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New graffiti in the quartier...


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I live in a nice little quartier in Paris - until a week ago the streets were pretty much grafitti free.

Over one night some ars*h*le "tagged" his initials over two entire streets using what I think is some sort of "paint pen" (it left a sort of red paint mark).

So now on the nice white walls, doors, marble archways, etc. is a big red "tag" every 10 metres or so. By my counts there are probably 50 or so "tags" over the two streets.

Some of the shops and hotels have cleared up the tags but many are still left.

So the questions are ;

i) Is there some government team who deals with clearing up grafitti who can be contacted?

ii) Do I have the right to try and remove the grafitti >(some paint remover)


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I think it's called Street Art. I know what I'd call it but don't want to offend anyone. It's a Blot on the Landscape. , and I wish a few of the idiots who ruined many a building were sprayed from head to foot themselves,preferably with something available from cows. There goes my resolution to be more tolerant,again.

Regards. www.ourinns.org

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