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speed trap on A26


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I was caught on a speed trap on the A26 heading for Calais this evening and fined 90 euros at the toll.

I saw the gendarmes car hidden as I was overtaking and my speed was up from an average 140Km/h to 163Km/h at that point ( I have it logged by some GPS software I run).

The nice Gendarme that stopped me at the toll said it was 175Km/h.

Just a warning to others, but does anyone know of the sliding scale for fines and if the 175 figure was relevant to a higher fine than the 163 I was doing?

I didn't challenge it because I WAS speeding at that point so I was in the wrong and he did have a big gun but I wasn't going quite that fast!
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So you were speeding before the hidden gendarme caught you - (avge 140) - but as has been said elsewhere, it's easy to do and easy to avoid. There but for the grace of God etc ...

At least my C15 is unlikely to give me this sort of prob on an A road.

John not Di
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Have you also noticed there is a bridge which hides your view of the lay-by(probably until it's too late). I am sure many a driver has looked in their rear view mirror and seeing no police car chasing them think they have got away with it like a couple of months ago when a BMX? overtook me as if I were standing still.(I was doing 80)

I didn't see any police Sunday night though.
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Sounds like you did OK there. A friend of mine was caught doing 163kmh and was fined 180 and had to insure his mate travelling with him on the car there and then as he was banned on the spot. Fortunately the gendarmes didn't check there was anyone on the other end of the phone while he spoke to his insurers and they switched drivers when out of site. Allegedly.

Thanks to your message I'm certainly going to keep an eye open on future journeys. Not for the police but for that BMX rider. I'm still laughing!

On a similar topic, has anyone ever clocked the top speed of a diesel Renault Clio, driven by a Frenchman or woman on a peage? These are surely the fastest cars in the world.



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