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Question for Will

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Hi Will

You seem to qualify as our resident travel expert so would be grateful for an answer to the following.
1. Is it right that its more expensive to book with BF from the french side, if so any way round this.
2. Sue will be going over to UK once a month as a foot passenger for a weeks work, whats the cheapest way to book this ?
3. We are Members of BF property owners club, does the discount we enjoy apply equally to bookings made with BF France ?
4. Do you have a phone number for the bookings from France.

Sorry about all the questions, hope you can help.


John & Sue (50)

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LAST EDITED ON 05-May-04 AT 01:53 PM (BST)

I don't know about being a travel expert but I am involved professionally with ships and ferry travel so I'll do my best.

1. It seems to be slightly so at present - but it was the other way around in the past. I suspect it is due to prices starting from a common database (either euros or sterling - although BF is French its passenger side is run mainly from Britain) with different offers, and a not particularly realistic exchange rate, applied. It's well worth checking both British and French websites for the same crossing from time to time. The way round it is to book using whichever site gives the best value - I have no difficulties using my French address and booking journeys starting from France on the British site.

2. If it's a full week's stay then you'll be charged ten day return rates - if you can work it so you are eligible for a 5 day return you'll find it cheaper. If you can avoid overnight crossings and do one journey on a Tuesday you'll probably save a bit more. We usually book Thu am out from France, Tue pm back from Britain. The basic foot passenger fares are pretty reasonable, cabins are the usual rip off (and you only get the deals on daytime cabins if you are a BF club member travelling with a vehicle).

3. The BF owners club only gives discounts on bookings made with BF in UK, either on line or by phone. There is an equivalent club run by BF France, previously called International Club, now known as Cercle Voyageur. But there's no problem getting the owners club discount on journeys starting in France, as long as you book with BF UK. Most UK club discounts - such as the 25% or 33% off the basic fare, and the 10% restaurant discount - are available to foot passengers whereas it looks as if Cercle Voyageur may be only for those taking cars.

4. 0825 828 828

Will (50)

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