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P&O "underoccupancy" surcharge


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LAST EDITED ON 23-Apr-04 AT 12:37 PM (BST)

What a nerve...
If I have understood it right, those of us obliged to travel alone (and therefore to pay for *every* berth in a 2- or 4-berth cabin on overnight crossings, which is a hard enough pill to swallow) are now to be charged 8 *extra* for "cabin underoccupancy" (even on day crossings).

I am probably the last forum member to twig this, as I have already been driven (excuse pun) to abandon ferry travel, since it's so much cheaper for one person to fly to France nowadays. But this time I just *have* to take the car.

To whom should one aim angry complaints about this, in order to have the most effect?

Angela (85 - not my age!)

PS Sorry - in spite of doing a search before posting this, I now see that this subject was touched upon in the posting about loading priority. Still, I would welcome Will-the-Conq's input on the matter...
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Let's just hope that companies like Speedferries manage to get a decent foothold in the cross-channel market. The possibility of losing some of their business to cheaper rivals may be the one thing that makes them finally realise that they can't carry on the way they have been.

I would much rather travel with a company that offers a basic service at a reasonable price than on a plush ship at an extortionate one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

>To whom should one aim angry
>complaints about this, in order
>to have the most effect?

Peter King
Customer Services Manager
Reservations & Travel Services
P&O Ferries Ltd
Channel House
Channel View Road
Dover CT17 9TJ

T 0870 600 0613
F 01304 863464
E customer.service@poferries.com

I've spoken to him on several occasions about various whinges including this one. He's reasonably receptive if spoken to in measured tones. I pointed out that charging 8 quid for our underoccupancy of a Club Cabin when they had one less complimentary glass of champagne and one less complimentary breakfast to serve as well as one less bed to make was hardly going to swell the P&O coffers but was going to alienate a lot of customers. Given that most crossings involve "a car and up to 4 passengers", I shall, in future, book spoof names and then 'Hugh Jarse' and 'Norma Stitts' will mysteriously be struck down with some virus or other and not be able to come.....

Nick O'D
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