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"low-cost revolution will survive"

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Some may be interested in the following FT.com article, which seems to me to neatly review the state of lo-cost flying.

In summary :

"Stag parties will still be able to drink their way around Europe. Villa owners will still reach their places in the sun. But the name on the side of the aircraft may change from week to week."


(You may need to cut/past the link)

Best wishes

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>(You may need to cut/past the


I thought it might me appropiate to let you know that you can reduce the above website page link to :

http://makeashorterlink.com/?F2DF22F38 Which will then automatically direct you to the correct site

This can be achieved by using "Make a shorter link" site, to be found at http://makeashorterlink.com/index.php

Hope this is a help to all for future use.


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