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French speaker to accompany to Advocat in Toulouse


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It appears that, because we bought our house whilst there was an ongoing servitude dispute we are expected to re-instruct the Advocat to act on our behalf although the previous owner has undertaken to continue to pay the costs.

In truth it's quite a minor matter, certainly not sufficient to have put us off buying and frankly I don't really see what the fuss is about anyway. It's occassional access to woodland behind us and I think the two parties involved (two late middle aged French women) just became antagonistic and entrenched and although the other party has already lost in court she has taken it to appeal. 

The OH and I have an appointment with an Advocat in Toulouse on April 5th (or possibly 6th) to discuss the matter but unfortunately neither our French nor his English is up to the job and of course all the paperwork is in French so I am looking for either a native French speaker with good english or perhaps someone English but extremly competant in reading French to accompany us as a translator. I am willing to pay a modest fee of course and as the meeting shouldn't take more than an hour or so there's the prospect of a day out in Toulouse as well.

All transport and expenses will be met as well of course so is there anyone out there who might be able to help us out and make a few € to boot ?

Alternatively does anyone know of a professional translator in the Toulouse area ?

EDIT: We are near Cahors BTW

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you could try my friend Jan who lives not far from Carcassone. She is English but has excellent fluency in French and has done some work already with estate agents etc..

Tell her you have been given her tel. number by Jocelyne. All the best.

Moderator's edit: Please contact Yann by PM or email for contact details

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Slight mistake in the subject because the Advocat's office is in Agen not Toulouse, sorry about that.

Thanks for that yann, I'll see what other replies I get and maybe give her a call.

Hope she won't mind you publishing her phone number......you might want to edit it out[blink]


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Having read your enquiry maybe this web address might be of interest .


All our  translations were carried out in a very professional manner also she had such a calming influence on the procedures we were all delighted . Good luck.

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PM me, I use a lovely Lady in North Gers, about 1/2 hour from Agen who can act as a legal translator, she acted thoughout our sale and throughout our recent Fosse issues with the Notaire we also used another translator who is French who actually writes letters for french people he's that good!
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Thank you Miss Babs and I appreciate the information [kiss] however I have literally, (and I mean in the last 10 minutes !), been in touch with a similar person (lady) who is on the accredited Lot Translator list and I have made arrangements for her to accompany us.


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