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For why is easyjet nearly always twice the price as ryanair?ryanair is the the best low cost option and the planes they fly are always clean and for the most part on time of course in my opinion>Just been on the net for some friends and the differance is out of this world.Mr O.
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Because they only fly to established airports;-( so they pay more in parking fees.

Unlike Ryanair who fly to main airports, Brussels Charleroi, last I heard that is 60 Klicks out of town. I wonder Why its cheap???
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LAST EDITED ON 21-May-04 AT 03:51 PM (BST)

Whenever we need to fly back,(1st choice Toulouse-Gatwick, but Bergerac-Stansted would be ok) I check Ryanair, Easyjet and BA. We have never yet found Ryanair to be the cheapest, in fact often as not way way more than the other two. My husband's next trip back at the end of June is with BA - booked end April it was 96. Easyjet was 75 when I started looking but by the time I booked two weeks later it was up to 125! (the day they e-mailed me about the 'sale'!) It really is luck of the draw!


After posting the above, I decided to compare a flight that we need to make next year - back to UK in Jan, and return here in March. BA 95, Ryanair 668 (no that is not a typing error!)!!
I thought the further ahead you booked, the cheaper it was. Low cost airline - huh!!
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You're very lucky to have easy access to Ryanair. Ours packed up this year at Brest without so much as a warning or explaination anywhere,but suspect the local CCI pulled the plug on the financial assistance. Our nearest one now is a four hour round trip on boring dual carriageway. When we have made use of them, we couldn't fault them for being on time and taking off on time.It was the Stansted end that was a nightmare for our visitors. Everyone moans about these companies but at least they are there so you don't have really expensive scheduled flights or ferry journeys to pay for instead.
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LAST EDITED ON 07-Jul-04 AT 02:06 AM (BST)

I'm in the aviation industry and frankly I am "impressed" at how well Ryanair's PR has worked...Easyjet and even good old BA can give Ryanair a run for their money , but few people ever bother to actually investigate the fares, they just assume Ryanair is always cheapest.

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Horses for courses really. Ryanair are great at servicing the out-of-the-way airports like Dinard, but crap at major city flights, where their chosen airports often are so far away from the destination that the extra cab fare far outweighs what you would have spent paying the extra to EasyJet in the first place.

When booking ahead, this site is often useful for getting a broadbrush picture of fare patterns;


but don't rely on it as gospel, as it often misses special offers or even some carriers altogether.
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