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Pont Aven out of action


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Seems the new flagship has sprung a leak, quite serious too with the engine room flooding and is blocking the Millbay berth. Crossings are being diverted to Poole so anyone planning a crossing to Roscoff may find themselves held up or being sent elsewhere. You can see details on the BBC news online. Our friend had a call last night to say his 8am crossing to Plymouth was cancelled until 3pm this afternoon and then they didn't know exactly where to until about that time.
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The problem is a leaking valve on the engine cooling water system - I think reports of it being a serious engine room flood are rather exaggerated. Nevertheless it could be a rather difficult thing to repair, not so much in terms of time, but because, depending on exactly where in the system the faulty component is, the ship may have to be dry docked (that is a worst-case scenario though and isn't really all that likely). So at this stage it is far from certain how long the ship will be out of service.

This news story gives some information: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/devon/3553494.stm

Will (50)
Forum moderator

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Hi Val
I am glad to hear your friend had a call to tell them of the problem. We only booked for today's 8 30am crossing yesterday afternoon and no one advised us it would probably not be going to Plymouth. We had to queue at Roscoff for an hour and a half this morning to find out what else is available. As it happens we've re-booked for a couple of days time which suits us fine and, as you know, we have no distance to travel to get home again. Every cloud ...

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Just been on the Go-Brittany forum and there is a current update. Seems chaos reigns again with the Pont turning back to Brest after getting halfway across the channel,causing huge tailbacks and diversions to Poole again. Might be Friday before any more sailings but depends on the repairs.
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