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We took this new route over last weekend. Friday's sailing was late coming into Boulougne, and therefore late leaving and arriving in Dover: Sunday's sailing was late and therefore ditto into Boulougne. Caught up in holiday traffic in both directions especially around the M25 Friday afternoon. Purser on board Sunday's sailing suggested we write to SF outlining our complaint which we did yesterday........so far no response.
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You don't say to what length you were actually delayed but, in any case, I would have thought that delays are virtually inevitable during the busier months and happen with just about every travel company. I don't suppose that SpeedFerries have invented anything new there.

So far this year, I have been over and back to Normandy four times - January, March, May and July. On both the outward and return leg of the third and fourth trips, we were late leaving and arriving (with Hoverspeed). I long ago began to allow for a certain amount of delay in my travel plans. That way, I am not usually disappointed when they happen and, just occasionally, I am pleasantly surprised when they don't.

As for experiencing delays on the M25 on a Friday afternoon - I have to say that you would be hard pressed to find any time of any day when you DON'T get delayed on that monster of a road.

If you ever feel really adventurous and want to experience serious travel discomfort, you could try commuting with Connex from Hastings to Charing Cross for one week. I did it for years before coming to my senses. You will soon realise that what you have faced up until now has been a walk in the park.

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i have done four one way trips with speedferries in the last month,all for less than 60 euro,with no problems whatsoever,i booked a trip for some friends via the internet, a return from france and they said the ferry broke down on friday 6th but speedferries were excellent providing free refreshments etc and keeping everyone up to speed.this is a new service offering the cheapest prices around and with only one ferry in service the occasional letdown is inevitable but if everyone supports them then they may be able to afford a second vessel.
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  • 2 weeks later...

support them because they offer free refreshments when they break down or support them because they are late and we should accept it?

not sure that would wash with many consumers who may have taken the hit on the drive to dover for the cheap rate only to be held in the uk whilst everyone else gets over to their destination. all other ferry companies also have interline agreements with each other. so if they break down you get on one of their other vessels or get on another ferry companies vessel.


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I have travelled with speedferries at the end of July to France returning 24th August to UK

I was charged £65 return during this peak period

The ferry company I usually travel with quoted £360

The speedferry boat was clean and comfortable enough for the 50 minute journey and the staff could not be faulted

At a saving of £295 long may they prosper

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[quote]support them because they offer free refreshments when they break down or support them because they are late and we should accept it? not sure that would wash with many consumers who may have taken t...[/quote]

no support them because other ferry companies will not make interline agreements with them why ? because they will not toe the line and charge the same high prices as the other ferry services. and whilst no one wants to be on a ferry when it breaks down if the inconvenienced passengers who get off that ferry are still willing to give the service some praise because they felt they were treated like paying customers should be ,with consideration and respect then all the better for the ferry service. 
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I have nothing but praise for Speedferries.

We used them for the first time at the start of August. The ferry was delayed at Dover by 30 minutes but we were kept informed by staff. On the return - lst Wednesday in slightly choppy seas - the ferry left 10 minutes early, it coped well with the sea conditions, and was only held up 5-10 minutes docking at Dover by a delayed Norfolkline ferry.

When travelling by sea you MUST build in time for delays as they are highly likely. And as for travelling on the M25 - delays are highly inevitable!

The boat was clean, the crew pleasant and helpful and overall it was a very good value service for just £88. Even adding petrol and toll charges from Boulogne to Normandy we saved at least £300-£400 on the Brittany Ferries price - money that paid a weeks Gite rent!


Essex and sometimes 14 (2 weeks in 63!)

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Being keen on a good deal we have manage to avoid all high prices this year and the most that we paid is around £100, and that was in the begining of the year, and we have travelled a few times. We used Speedferries at the begining of the month for the first time ( £50 return  and found the journey to be most pleasant. As it took us a few hours longer to drive, and we avoided most tolls, it was about a £200+ differance then the 'pirates' (£480 quoted best deal from brit ferries) As always its best to trawl the net to find deals, and as I don't mind the drive, get some 'cigs and baccy' we will be happy to carry on using them.

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We used Speedferries for the first time over the August bank holiday weekend.  Having arrived in plenty of time for the 18.15 crossing and queued for half an hour we were told that the crossing about to leave was actually the 14.45 and we couldn't get on it and we were offered a place on the 21.45 sailing.  Apparently there had been problems with the weather earlier in the day but no-one had made any effort to contact passengers and let them know that there was a problem.  They had both our telephone number and our email address.  As we had a long journey the other side we caught a P&O sailing but with all the delays it became necessary to stop at a hotel for the night.  Because Speedferries have no reciprocal arrangements with the other companies we had to pay for the P&O crossing at top rates.  Combined with the additional hotel costs our trip from Dover to Calais became the most expensive one that we have ever made.  So much for a cheap crossing.  I would have tolerated this better if the staff had been polite but they weren't.

On our return on Monday I telephoned the Dover call centre to check that there were no delays as we could have caught an earlier departure if necessary.  I was assured that there were no problems but I asked for confirmation of this and duly received it.  I know that you will have guessed it, but on arrival at Boulogne we were advised that there were delays due to engine problems.  The French staff were extremely polite and apologetic which made the irritation much easier to bear.  Nevertheless we arrived back in Dover about two hours late.

A member of staff on the ferry suggested that we should write to SF about our experiences. We did, by email on Tuesday,  but we also received no response except for an acknowledgement. A follow up telephone call today received a similar lack of interest.

I wish Speedferries all success with their venture because they are providing much needed competition but we will be travelling with other, more efficient, operators who can provide a better customer service. 

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I do not know what other forums (fora?) that you visit on the web, however there is a crew member of SPEEDONE by the name of Ken who does monitor one of the other forums. He is always interested in ALL feedback - whether positive or negative - in relation to Speedferries. He will be interested in your feedback because he does, apparently, pass it on to the powers that be.

I will be trying Speedferries for the first time on Saturday 11th Sept so it will be interesting to find out how I fare at their hands so to speak.

If you would like to know which forum Ken posts on, then PM or email me and I will forward you the details.



David H

PS. NO I do not have any connection with Speedferries in anyway shape or form.


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hi everyone,

We used Speedferries out on 30th July and back on 22nd August.

We were pleasantly surprised at the service and efficiency shown on both trips. No delays, pleasant staff, clean and reasonably comfortable.

We arrived in Boulogne early and were able to get on an earlier sailing at an additional cost of £40 - this made the total return cost just £90 - still £75 cheaper than the best quote I got from P&O.

I'm definately not complaining and will always try to use them in the future.

Any new service is bound to have a few hiccoughs and of course they are always at the mercy of the weather!

Perhaps we were just lucky in our experiences but can't help wondering if we've all got used to accepting 'less than perfect' service and value for money from other companies.

Keep it up Speedferries

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Having lived in both France and the UK throughout my life, I've crossed the channel more times than I care to remember.  I've witnessed force 8 seas and been stuck in the channel for hours, an overboarder, a kitchen fire, and other numerous delays.  Some people will have good experiences, some bad. 

Out of the 6 times I've used Eurostar, it has been delayed four, with little apology, certainly no free refreshments (you've got to be kidding!) and no compensation and let's not start on planes!!

Speedferries do need the support, not least because they've had the guts to take on the "big boys".  Also, it's doing Boulogne and the surrounding area a lot of good too.




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I booked early - after learning about Speedferries on this forum - so it was £50 for a return in August.  Going out we left on time and arrived a little late.  Returning 31st August we were told it would be slow because 1 engine was not working - it took 2 hours instead of the 50 minutes advertised.

At £50 compared with £300 for the tunnel, it's our best option even if a bit tatty and disorganised!

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We have booked on Speedferries for a crossing in October and it is good to hear that the service is used by you more regular travellers.

We have used both the Tunnel and Hoverspeed Cat earlier in the year. Although the train journey is quick and reliable we believe that the price is horrendous.

The Cat crossing was marred by a puncture when we caught a bulkhead whilst being directed to park, and although the crew helped unload the boot and help me change the wheel, the claim we put in for a new tyre took nine weeks to resolve despite them accepting responsibility. No extra offer of a discount or gratis crossing were made despite the long delay in reimbursing us.

I know no service is going to be perfect but with the lower price of Speedferries at least it helps to soften the blow when things do go awry!

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