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On the subject of BF Property owners'club...


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What would you say "one-off fee" and "paid once only" mean to you all?

Because according to BF it means: every two years.

Yes. You see I registered with this scheme  five years ago and now that I want to restart using the scheme I am being asked to pay both the registration AND the Annual membership fees.

I showed them the original Member's card and provided recent evidence of  ownership but they would not budge.

I looked and looked again at their advertising literature but  could not see where is  mentioned that the One-off registration elapses after two years. I think this may be a case for the Trading Standard Office or Advertising authority to look in, what do you think?


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I guess BF take the view that it is a "one-off fee" per membership rather than a one-off fee per person.

I'm assuming from the original post that Danglar let the membership lapse at some point (for more than two years?). In which case BF are saying that you need to apply for a new membership.


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I guess BF take the view that it is a "one-off fee" per membership rather than a one-off fee per person.

That's twisting it a bit! To quote BF :

"Membership Rates are :

Registration Fee £ 35 (payable once only); Annual M/ship fee £40."

I'm assuming from the original post that Danglar let the membership lapse at some point (for more than two years?). In which case BF are saying that you need to apply for a new membership.

Renew my membership? Yes, of course. I have indeed authorised them to debit £40.00 to my cr/card. But they also want £35.00 for re-registration. ???

Isn't the Registration Fee a fixed cost for processing an application whereas Membership is what entitles to a discount. ?

Hagar , you seem to know about this rule of the two years lapse! I have not seen this mentioned anywhere in the literature. Can you point out to me where you have seen it ?


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I agree that it doesn't say anything about two years in their terms and conditions, however most clubs charge a rejoining fee or a proportion of back-log membership fees if you don't pay up each year.

You could take the view that they are being generous in allowing a two year lapse. They could have insisted on a rejoining fee after any lapse.

Eirther way they are not really insisting on £35 everyu two years , just as long as you rejoin evry year.

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The registration fee is what covers the costs for the processing of an application ; the annual membership fee is what entitles to the travel discounts.

This should appear to all as clear-cut as black & white. So I thought. But I see that it is not.

Well, what can I say? Thank you all for your contribution to the topic.


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I don't the facts you give are that clear. Am I right in thinking there is a one off fee 'for processing the registration' then an annual fee to entitle you to the discount?

Surely if you do not pay the annual fee EVERY year BF consider, rightly or wrongly, that you have no further use of their scheme?

You do not say whether you or not you kept up those payments, and frankly in two years I suspect BFs T&C have changed.(Their fares certainly have )

In any case if the fee they are now asking you for is £25 and you did indeed 'miss' 2 years annual fees at £35 each aren't you £45 better off, or is that female logic?

Even if you factor in the original processing fee surely you are on the right side.

Its annoying - but I guess you will soon make up the difference on fare savings

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I could not resist coming back on this issue.


Why would BF ask me to  back pay years of m/ship fees?


Excuse my logic,   but I actually learnt to drive on the right hand side of the road.

I registers  and I pays the  fee for my name to  stay on a  “register” roll.  Then I pays the m/ship fee if  I want to be entitled to  discounts for  a period of 12 months. If I don’t ,  I am not entitled and if  I do  - be it  even 10 years  down the line  - I pays again  a m/ship fee for the next  12 months and I gets the discounts. My name, details,evidence of ownership etc.etc. should still be there on the reistration roll, or not?

This is the  logic.  Not that according to which:  I  pays a  2years-“one-off”  registration fee  PLUS an annual m/ship fee that must be paid for “every”year my  name stays on their register. ??!


Incidentally BF’s fee is  £35.00 and  they are not asking me for £25.00.

Would  I soon make up the difference ? I do not know.  Have their prices to LH been disclosed yet?



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