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Obtaining plans of a house - Can anybody help ??


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Good morning from Scotland.

I've just joined 2 minutes ago so if this is the wrong forum sincere apols.

Last month my wife and i bought a house in Pas De Calais ( 62 ).

It was and still is rented out to a local with 2 years remaining at least

Anybody any idea as to the best way i can get official plans of the layout, design of the house ?

They must be lodged somewhere i would have thought ie a planning office, registry office etc.

Thanks for your help



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You should get a copy of the cadastral plan with your deeds; we certainly did, otherwise how do you know exactly what you're buying. As to whether you'd get detailed house plans is another matter. With a relatively modern house there will have been plans submitted when it was built. Start at the Mairie, or as already suggested, the previous owner, or DDE (Direction Départementale de l'Équipement). For older houses it's unlikely there were any building plans, most properties just seemed to 'evolve'! You can obtain the cadastral plans though, showing the property layout and land parcels.

I find it always best to start with the very helpful secretary at the local Mairie.


PS We had to ask our notaire for the deeds package. We forgot, and it was nearly 18 months before we collected it... and a small refund for overcharge of fees!!

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