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Poor Outcast.

We can get all too relaxed without a little controversy. So in the spirit of a New Year, perhaps it's time for Living France to think seriously about his rehabilitation. Should we perhaps create a temporary society for this purpose? It would seek means to stop 'Outcast discrimination' on our France forum, and its sole aim would be to secure a comprehensive reconciliation.

I do see that a Society with the acronym S.O.D. O.F.F. risks giving a mixed message, but I understand a strong acronym is a prerequisite for every special interest group and, all things considered, it is surely a minor inconvenience when set against the huge potential benefits. 

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That's quite funny, Piprob, but then a lot of things that are a bit dodgy are. 

While he usually gets his kicks posting views I strongly disagree with, (to which I respond, often), and apparently sending nasty pms to people, on this occasion the guy posted about cheap flights.

Now, I must go and lie down.


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Tresco, you sound fine to me. And going for a lie-down at this time of day is a very sensible thing, far too sensible to be in fashion. But I'm sure what you are about to do will eventually give rise to an EC Directive, if not a whole new industry in itself. In the meantime, unfortunately, a commitment to mid day napping is often rewarded by dismissal. Take care.

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Tesco,now you appear to be well balanced so why would you feel the need to spread untruths,outcast as never sent a nasty PM to anyone,never even posted a nasty posting,some may disagree with the postings,but that does not make the posting nasty.
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Why? Don't tell me our innocent little postings will get us into trouble with the authorities.

Anyway, I'm not frightened. After all, we're going to be back in favour with Outcast, .. and with him batting for us ... ... well, 'nough said!


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Oh, blimey Outcast. You' nearly put the wind-up me, creeping up like that! I thought we'd get away with it for a few days. Didn't realise you'd get onto us so quick. Please be assured that if we do form a society, it will be a very kind one. The sort of one you've always wanted to join, and where no one is allowed to be too sensitive or too nasty or an outcast, or else they have to leave the room .. .. .. a bit like the House of Commons really, only without the bloke with the wig and the scottish accent .. .. although I'm sure we could fix that if necessary to agree sensible truce terms.

I mean well!

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I'm fully with you there Outcast. The blessed Scots race can order us about in our own parliament and then caper back over the border to thumb their noses. And then they pass their own very cosy legislation, and laugh like hell. How many ministers are there who are not of the Scottish persuation? - precious few my stout English lads, precious few!
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[quote]Tesco,now you appear to be well balanced so why would you feel the need to spread untruths,outcast as never sent a nasty PM to anyone,never even posted a nasty posting,some may disagree with the posti...[/quote]

Outcast, you really do make life hard on yourself don't you. If I mention the names Wendy James and Teamed Up, would that help with your memory problem regarding nasty PM's you have sent?.

I have just about recovered from you saying I 'seem well balanced'. Yesterday I did not know whether to laugh, cry, or run shrieking from the forum.

Now I notice you are posting in the 'third person'. This makes life even harder for those of us who are still not quite sure how many outcasts there are. Have a good trip.



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Piprob, I would love to join your S.O.D.O.F.F club, but first we have to establish some guidlines.

What is the moto?

Do we have a funny handshake or wear odd shoes or do we all have to have bright orange hair?

which day of the week do we meet and is it for tea and cakes or a serious boozing session?

Is swearing permited or do we keep to the Queens English or Chirac French?

are we allowed to have a view point or do we have to agree?

Please can you set some guidlines to join your club, and are we permited to set up a club within Forum rules?

 Perhaps you should start another thread for this purpose, before we get told off for deviating from the origional posting....would hate Outcast to have a pop!

Mrs o

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Opas, these are key questions which need some careful thought. So as lying down seems to be the thing to do, I'll do my thinking horizontal - no change there, I hear you say. And maybe we should have a new thread. We might ask Outcast (very carefully) if he has a view on this.
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