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Ryan Air-Abuse and Insults


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Well it’s not the first time this subject has been posted and I’m sure it will not be the last. It seems that there is no end to the amount of abuse we are willing to take from O’Leary and his Airline Ryan Air. I learn that he is just about to buy 70 more planes making him the fastest growing airline in the world and on the way to the biggest in Europe. Set this record against the down right abuse his staff are instructed to level at his customers- the travelling public.


I swore I would never travel with him again after previous encounters. But as needs must when there are few options I relented last week and tried again, I thought with prior knowledge of the possibilities for disaster so I made provision. Now the last time I tried to get out of Dublin via Stanstead disaster struck in the form of air traffic controllers strike which delayed flight no 1. As I was late to book in for the next one, Ryan Air charge me full fare (exorbitant) saying that ‘we are a Point to Point airline and you have to leave at least 3 hours between bookings if you hope to connect’. Well this time I left 3 hours between the connections and ….. well here is where the real message of this post lies.


Rochefort to Standsead was delayed because of their scheduling by about 40 minutes. HHMMM cause for concern but I will still make it as I have left plenty of time. Not so. The Baggage took its usual 35minutes to appear (Standstead is the slowest baggage handling in Europe). Then raced to the check in desk arriving 39 mins before departure only to find the snottiest of put downs from a rotund Ryan air check-in lady that the gate close 40 minutes before take off and that I would have to see the ticket desk. At which time she departed. The ticket desk then told me that they would require £40 to let me on the next flight even though they agreed that it was their fault. But now their policy has changed along with the 20 min gate closure going to 40 minutes. They now say that they are ‘a point to point airline’ and that they ‘don’t recommend connecting to another flight the same day’. This means a hotel and so forth. All this leads me to believe that their claim to be the low fares airline is false.


To add injury to the abundance of insults they heap upon me, a rather fine bottle of St Emillion Grand Cru 94 was smashed in the rushing. So there was a trail of red wine from gate to ticket counter (symbolic blood).


Consequently I would now rather pay double to any other airline than to give O’leary another Euro as I think that it would be cheaper in the end. I hope that they are listening.



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Tee hee, they can be less than courteous!    The Ryanair girl at Montpellier wasn't going to let us check in 2 minutes after last check-in time (an hour before scheduled takeoff), even though the flight was delayed for over 2 hours.   Uncharacteristically for me, I wasn't going to give in either, and kept insisting to speak to her superior.  "They won't let you on either" she said snottily, as she picked up the phone, talked to someone, and...... was told to check us in!   I was pleased, but she wasn't, and when I said thank you, she looked at me as if I was something she'd just stepped in.   Ouch! 

In January this year, TOH turned up to check in at Stansted, with his bike.  Neo-Nazi Ryanair supervisor comes up and barks at him extremely rudely  "You can't take that on.  You have to take the pedals and the wheels off".   TOH has taken the bike on Ryanair before with no problem, so he hasn't got bike-dismantling tools with him.  She refused point blank to have anything to do with the bike, and said he wasn't allowed to check in until he'd done something with it.   Not only did she accompany him to the terminal doors, she called the police to deal with him!!!

They thought that as he's English, he'd be back soon to pick the bike up, so they let him leave it in the bike racks.  The bike is no longer there, someone's checked for us.  TOH did say that the girls behind the desk were discussing it and they'd have checked the bike in, as would the baggage-handler who was also there.

So a big thank-you to Mrs Neo-Nazi of Ryanair.   We have witnesses, we know your face!         

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I can only speak as I find, which is what the other posters are doing I guess, but I only ever received politness and courtesy from Ryanair staff.

On one occasion a friend of mine was returing to the UK from Charleroi had to pay excess baggage, he was quite a bit over the limit so no problems with that, he was asked to pay by credit card which he did not have, the girl on the check in desk paid for it using her own card and he paid her in cash, how much more helpful could she have been??

I have always found the cabin staff to be polite and attentive as well, in marked contrast to the snootiness from staff I have had on BA.

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Can I book a connecting flight with Ryanair?< BACK

No. Ryanair is strictly a ’point-to-point’ airline. We therefore do not offer, and cannot facilitate, the transfer of passengers or their baggage to other flights, whether operated by Ryanair or other carriers. You should therefore not book onward flights with Ryanair or indeed with any other air or surface carrier. Ryanair accepts no responsibility for making connections and therefore will not be liable for any losses or expenses arising out of any failure to achieve a planned connection.

I really don't understand the title of this thread - abuse and insults?  They're just following policy and it is amazing that anyone who uses airlines is surprised that Ryanair follows its rules strictly.  How do you think they make so much money?  And in fairness, they have made it clear for years that if you are late, the plane will go and you shouldn't make inter-connecting flights using them. 

If you want to get on the flight, get there in time or just accept that the plane will go without you.  I don't see why check in staff should make exceptions for people who are late - why should the rest of the plane be delayed because one person feels exceptions should be made for their circumstances. 

I try not to fly Ryanair because I know the score and I prefer to fork out a bit more for an airline that is a bit more flexible.  But, I have to say, apart from the really crap coffee on early morning flights, any flights I have taken with Ryanair have been relatively hassle free and on schedule.  But I make sure I get there with time to spare as I know there will be no sympathy from them if I am late.



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Well Panqur

That's terrific for you, but its not for me. I too have read and understood the flight rules. They are not unclear.

However, unless your destination is Stanstead and I couldn't imagine anyone's is then YOU'LL HAVE TO CONNECT. I'm sorry if that is too abrupt for you but I'm sure that you will excuse the abuse as it's my commercial right to do it.

So, you say don't use them ... I certainly will not.

I can't expect any plane to wait for me, you say... (silly person who can't read)... I never asked for such a thing, only to put on another flight when mine was late which was down to them. Its also in the notes that they must take responsibility for this.

The purpose of the post .. which must be spelt out obviously, is that the check in closure has changed from 20 min to 40 min. And that a transfer will cost £40.... is that all right with you then?

I don't however, expect abuse and insults from anyone whose offering a service. It seem to be OK with you but its not with me.




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<<If you want to get on the flight, get there in time or just accept that the plane will go without you.  I don't see why check in staff should make exceptions for people who are late - why should the rest of the plane be delayed because one person feels exceptions should be made for their circumstances.>> 

You are of course right in theory, but in fact we weren't an exception, there were plenty people still in the queue behind us, we just happened to be the ones she stopped at!   She was being French, bolshy, pedantic, AND pre-menstrual all at the same time.   

The flight was clearly marked on Ryanair's website as being delayed for 2 hours.  While she was being stroppy about us (and the others) being 2 minutes late, the plane hadn't even left Stansted on its way to Montpellier!

All just part of life's great pisserie. 

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Having spent many many years flying all round the world - long and short haul, I have had lousy treatment from all airlines from time to time, the worst being from B Cal (when they existed) when my son was thrown bodily across the isle into his seat (he was about 7) - the air hostess was able to do this as we were flying first class and there was lots of space. My son had come to talk to me as I was sitting away from him with my daughter and was not disturbing anyone (I shortly disturbed everyone when I gently told the air hostess what I would do to her if she put her hands on my son again and I reported her also when I got back to the UK). I have also travelled with my disabled daughter and so has my son, her last flight with Air France to Chile was diabolical to say the least and my son had to carry a 30 year old woman off the plane, down the steps and into the lounge as they would not help them by simply getting her wheelchair (the last item into the hold and all this had been agreed in advance) and providing one which would have damaged her, so many people were reported that the return flight was superb. Shame no one flies direct to Chile from the UK any more.

My flights with Ryanair have been good. One plane died and it got so late I could not fly to the UK so I came home and lost this and my return ticket and booked another time - I was aware of the rules - I think the plane eventually left. On a Ryan Air flight I  have sat across the aisle from a very disabled woman and her father (who himself was very elderly). The care and attention they got was the best I have ever seen from any airline. I am pleased to say that we are midway from 3 airports that Ryan Air fly to and I will continue to use them.

We each make our own decisions from the things that happen to us, just because we got bad service does not mean that others will, everyone has an off day - were the staff reported? If not, they will continue to act like 'jobsworth'. I am pretty sure that the details of time of check-in at Stanstead are on each and every ticket and if I remember correctly it was 40 mins last year. I am used to flights that want 2 hours now, so this is nothing unusual. If you have an alternative, use it, but comparing RA to all the other airlines I have flown with they beat a lot of them hands down for value for money.

The above is a personal view as is yours.

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Sorry, I am obviously extremely dim – I am still struggling to understand where the ‘insults and abuse’ has come from.  Where or when did they insult or abuse you? A slightly snotty check-in assistant when you checked in late?

However, unless your destination is Stanstead and I couldn't imagine anyone's is then YOU'LL HAVE TO CONNECT.

For people living or visiting London or the SE, Stansted is quite a normal destination, so no you don’t HAVE to connect. I have to say it is a nightmare of an airport to get through.  Even checking in 40 min before the flight, it can be hard to get to the gate on time, especially on a busy date. 

The purpose of the post .. which must be spelt out obviously, is that the check in closure has changed from 20 min to 40 min.   

There was really ever a 20 minutes check in for a flight at Stansted? As you were talking about Dublin, France and the UK I assumed you were connecting internationally and that certainly is 40 min and has been for a long time, but I didn’t think it is even physically possible to check in at Stansted and get onto your plane in 20 min!  Normally the check in time is on your ticket - are you saying it had changed from the time of booking?

Complain away about Ryanair, they are totally inflexible and customer service is not something they like to provide.  My point was that this should come as no surprise.  If you don’t follow their rules, you can pay heavily. 

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No Panqur I don't think that your dim at all.

I certainly didn't make it clear which is my fault. That in the process of arguing the toss and lamenting the criminal waste of good wine I received the most abusive and insulting treatment by the supervisor and clerk at the ticket desk. My post was already too long so I didn't go much into that. Didn't help my mood.

So after this tirade upon the Forum, I'm staying at home near the phone because I am sure that O'Leary's PR people are monitoring this post and I'm sure that he's about to ring with an apology and the offer of a case of the very same wine which was so shamefully spilled. He'll probably be a bit sniffy but apologetic at the same time. May even offer me a free flight to anywhere for a month because I was so harshly treated.



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It is always interesting that every time Ryanair raises its head that condemnation and praises always follows. If you do not like the company then put your business elsewhere. Whilst there is no excuse for bad treatment or rudeness, I do not think that one must lose sight of how Ryanair has transformed European travel and especially to France. I wonder how long it would be before screams would be heard if the were to stop flying to your local French airport. We have to hope because of their rapid expansion that they sort out their PR, but in the meantime look at the small print and do not expect them to be charitable. 

One final point, if an aircraft loses its take off slot because of passengers running late the company has to find £1000s to pay for a new slot and that will  only increase fares.


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I'm always surprised by these critics of Ryanair.

I use them fairly often (up to 30 times per year) and they've always (slightly) exceeded my expectations. Of course my expectations are reasonable - it is a bus service, and at about the same price.

I don't really have much choice. They fly from 5 of my nearest 6 airports.

Three years ago, the last flight of the day was always late. No longer.

I read the terms and conditions, which means :

I don't use them if it means changing flights. However I do drive to Girona (bonus is free parking !) if there is a direct flight to my destination.

I try to be within the weight limits (in fact they've told me a few times I'm over but never charged me)

On outward flights my hand luggage is heavier than my suitcase (they don't check it)

On return flights I often have an additional 10kg in my barbour jacket pockets

I remember my passport (they recently let me fly on a CdS when I'd forgotten it)

I don't buy their cabin service (I did get a ticking off when they saw me putting my own beer tin in the rubbish cart)

A few years ago they used to let me on the plane even though I was very late. Since I nearly got bounced off because of the 40 min rule (now a long time ago) I get there early

I once missed a summer flight back (bad accident on the M11) as did hundreds of others. They could have said "sorry that will be GBP 250", but they said "it happens, we have a flat rate of GBP 40 in these cases". They even let me change destinations to get an earlier flight.

I would say, you get slightly more than they promise. Maybe not what you think you should have ?

And before you say I don't know any better, I spent 10 years commuting to US and the FE in business class.


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Ah Peter, how do you do it?   You're right again!

They do provide a remarkable service for the number of flights they operate every day.  Most of their staff are perfectly fine, so maybe it's just the odd fascist who slips in there that stands out?    They're certainly not consistent - one day you'll get charged for every gram overweight, other days you'll get a load of extra kilos through without anyone batting an eyelid.

In their favour, they (I think) seem to have a remarkable safety record for the number of flights they operate every day, long may it last. 

The 40-minute check-in is interesting, because our stroppy Montpellier girlie told us it was an hour, so I'm STILL glad I argued with her!

Their pilots do some pretty impressive landings tho, chiz do they think they r Formula 1 or wot?

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Check-in times are normally airport dependent which is why you need to check your ticket every time you fly - it is going to take you a lot longer to get from check-in gate to the gate at Heathrow than at Derry.  For example, Heathrow normally recommend check in 90 min beforehand for scheduled flights to European destinations.

Of course, the other reason why low cost airlines can be really inflexible with the check-in times is that they have often flogged your seat to the people who missed the cut off for the previous flight...  And when they know they don't have too much luggage or passengers on board they can be a bit more flexible with baggage allowance etc

 Still, Ryanair get a higher satisfaction rating than BA, Lufthansa or Air France among others in a Consumer Assoc survey....


Not as good as the likes of easyjet who have taken Ryanairs model but added customer service  And I think the low costs airlines tend to lose your bags less than others, though I can't find the link to the stats


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I think peter must have been reading my mind, Obey the rules and your OK. personaly I have never had a problem with them. Looking for my next cheap trip from girona to Blackpool(new route)or Liverpool. Mrs O
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[quote]I think peter must have been reading my mind, Obey the rules and your OK. personaly I have never had a problem with them. Looking for my next cheap trip from girona to Blackpool(new route)or Liverpool...[/quote]


A bit of a coincidence. I'm trying Girona - Blackpool for the first time on 1/4/05.

And I expect to use Nimes - Liverpool when it starts, too.


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On return flights I often have an additional 10kg in my barbour jacket pockets

Sssssh, you do this too, Peter?  And there we were thinking we were the only ones.  Even the usually x ray eyed T4 BA check-in staff haven't (yet) caught on to this one.  Though you'd think they'd be suspicious when it's August and you're travelling to Dubai.

If someone wants to start a separate thread slagging off BA I'll happily join in.  I liked Di's son being thrown across the first class compartment, that even beats me in Club World being told, "why couldn't you have asked for a Perrier when your friend rang for one half an hour ago?".  On another occasion in the middle of the night even ringing didn't work.  So I got up and wandered forward to the galley to find one girl doing her nails and the other with her head stuck in a Country Life.  Still, as we know, they're not waitresses, they're only there to get us out (ha, ha) in an emergency.


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I,m with Peter on this one. From our own experiance of Ryanair we,ve only ever had politeness. Hubby has used the NImes/Stanstead now Luton service for approx 4 yrs now. He is always allowed on with hand luggage that is slightly over, as I was a few weeks back. The cabin staff have always been friendly and polite. The staff at Nimes airport deserve a medal as far as I am concerned because of the number of English passengers that turn up 10 mins before the plane arrives, they,re still allowed on. If they,re not ariving late, they,re sitting in the bar drinking after the gate closure time..they,re still allowed on.

 As it,s been said, you get what you pay for, a not too bad flight, a good price, sometimes late but that can,t be helped, coffee,s not wonderful but it,s ok when you need it, the staff are friendly and polite.


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[quote]Ah Peter, how do you do it? You're right again! They do provide a remarkable service for the number of flights they operate every day. Most of their staff are perfectly fine, so maybe it's just th...[/quote]

Hear Hear Saligo,  Ryanair are the best thing since sliced bread and you get what you pay for.  I have no complaints about them, they certainly made my trips to the UK easy and hassle free., though one or two of the landings at Stansted have been a little on the heavy side, but then these are normally computer controlled landings

The weight limits appear to be enforced if the flight is busy

Going back to Hendo's original post, baggage handling delays have nothing to do with Ryanair, complain to BAA if you have a problem with it, obviously if a number of fully laden planes arrive at the same time there is going to be delays with luggage, but its not Ryanair's fault, personally I have had my luggage on the belt within five minutes of getting through customs every time I have travelled to Stansted and that has been quite often so far this year.

The 40 minute check in is for a reason, security checks. It is  so that they have time for security checks to be undertaken on luggage and passengers.   Also it is quite common at this time of year with the northerly winds, for Ryanair flights to France to land early, but going back against the wind,  they often want to turn them round quickly to get back to the UK on time and will often leave well before the scheduled time.  They cannot do this if people are late booking in. lets face it if they made it 20 minutes people would still turn up 19 minutes before departure.  As for closing check-in for delayed flights, first prize to BMI, not BMI baby, BMI closed its check-in at Toulouse on time on Christmas eve despite the outbound flight not having left the UK and expected to be 3 hours late

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Several of the replies above refer to delays of 2 or 3 hrs leading me to believe, perhaps wrongly, that this is pretty common for the low cost airlines operating to France.  What reasons do they give for this?  Is it usually technical or something else?  Bad weather is understandable as are delays caused by ATC or local ground handlers, both of which are beyond the airline's control.  But the most common delay in my experience on the scheduled airlines is late arrival of connecting passengers, which can't apply to the cheapies.  The other (maddening one) is someone having checked in but not boarded the flight so we all wait whilst their bags are offloaded and then the captain loses his "slot".  I'm curious because I fly almost every week but apart from the continuing problems at Paris, can't remember the last time a scheduled flight was more than an hour late.  M

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Summary of earlier posts :

Ryanair and their low cost mates have forced the high cost airlines (BA, Air France) to bring down their prices

Ryanair etc are credited with forcing P&O etc to bring down cross channel fares

Ryanair and other low cost airlines fly to little known airports (e.g. Rodez) and have "opened up" SW France etc and AFAIK have not driven any competitors out of business by unfair means

Ryanair etc have lots of published rules - some of which are enforced more rigidly and consistently than others - and tend to be inflexible and insensitive

Ryanair is one of the few airlines to get it right i.e. make a PROFIT which is the only sound reason for being in business

No-one is forced to use Ryanair etc to travel

Some passengers are so puffed up with their own self importance that they believe that rules do not apply to THEM

Conclusion - if the cap fits, stop your moaning and travel by another means or save your pennies and maybe suffer a bit



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