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Last week I travelled overnight from Portsmouth to Cherbourg with Brittany, and had a reclining chair booked. The lounge was fairly busy (ie I wasn't the only one in there!) A little way into the journey the man sitting a row behind me started to snore - and do I mean snore!!! So loud was it that most people sitting within the vicinity woke up but none of us were brave enough to go give him a good shake. We all exchanged knowing looks and spent the rest of the journey huffing and puffing until we got to Cherbourg, tired and irritated. Last night I came back overnight from Portsmouth to Caen. Again, I booked a reclining chair. This time, about 1 am, 2 "gentlemen" came into the lounge, sat on the couches at the back and started to have a loud conversation, waking everyone up. A elderly lady, obviously disturbed by the noise, then began a loud conversation with the lady sitting near to her. I was so the hell in this time I went over and told them to shut up or get out. Thankfully it worked and they did just that, but afterwards I was quite upset, not to mention thankfully that I hadn't been turned upon, as the two men concerned had obviously (you could smell the fumes) spent some time at the bar. I know the obvious answer to this problem would be to book a cabin but as I do the journey every week the cost would be ridiculous. I do try to avoid overnight crossings and hope when the fast boat starts from Cherbour to Portsmouth mid March I will be able to avoid it entirely, but I just wondered how others coped with noisey, inconsiderate people on the ferries?
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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a recliner last week for first and last time! Must have been 30 french students in front of us, who did`nt want to sleep and when we evenually gave up trying to get sleep beat us to the breakfast queue so we had to wait ages for a cup of much needed coffee. We also had snoring and very smelly feet! plus it was freezing cold!

Never again............

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I've had a couple of bad experiences on overnight crossings.

I once arrived at Cherbourg a day or so early, to find that a crossing had just departed, the next one was full, and we could go on the 10pm.

We spent our day sitting in the carpark of Auchan, reading, while it POURED with rain.

During the crossing, we had a cabin, BUT it was close to a disabled toilet, and whenever it was used, the user left the door unlatched afterwards, with the result that it "boomed" on the surrounding plates.

Guess who had to get up on no less than 7 occasions to shut it?

On another occasion, we were on the Hull-Zeebrugge crossing, and had gone into the restaurant. Once seated, and awaiting service, a young child, about 7 or so, began crying near us. Within 10 minutes, he was having a major tantrum, and his parents ignored him

After 20 minutes, with no sign of the maitre-d, ( a lady had gone to ask him to intervene, and came back furious because she said he was hiding), the child was really screaming, shouting etc, and all his parents did was to shush him, ineffectively.

Eventually, I snapped and stood up and asked them to take him out until he calmed down, so the rest of us could eat in peace.

Everyone was embarrassed as they left, but afterwards, several families thanked me. Why did it have to be me, though?


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