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Why does it cost more to travel on the ferries the longer you stay abroad?

Do they have to pay their staff more money?

Do they keep the boat in dock like a waiting taxi with the clock ticking?

Do they think that because the longer I stay the more money I must have?

Can anyone explain this?


Can we not have fixed rates each way depending on when you want to travel and the type of vehicle?

For example

Low season, High season, Peak season

Day crossing, Night crossing

Price changes only if overlapping seasons

Car with/without trailer, caravan

Not affected by duration of stay


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But Harley, that would take all the fun out of it. If travel were too easy everyone would do it instead of it just being us elite beings that have the stamina to work through the booking system! Just think what France would be like if the riff raff were able to work out how to book a ferry.... Oh hang on, they fly! :-)


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Go with Speedferries Harley - one return equals two singles, so it doesn't matter whether you stay a day or a month, it's still the cost of the two single crossings and at the moment I believe they are selling 50,000 tickets for £7.50 each!!!
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When we go to visit friends in East Anglia later this year we probably will but for our normal route (to west Surrey and Hampshire) this would be a nightmare with three young children.  For us that would mean five hours in the car this side and another three the other side.  Because of the distance one way and the cost of travel the other we don't travel as often as we would like.  We are probably not the only ones either.  Perhaps though, by biting the bullet and driving the longer distance every time, other operators would reconsider their pricing policies but I doubt it!!!!!

They really do think they have us by the short and curly's don't they?

Well they make me

Speedferries here we come

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