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moving from UK to France (carte de sejour)


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I have been working at the University in the UK for some time and

just got a permanent position in France in the national institute (I am british).

Do I need to obtain carte de sejour in this case to start working?

Also, does anyone know what happens with my previous pension contributions

in the UK? And do I need to inform tax office that I will (probably) pay tax

in France?

Sorry for many questions and thanks in advance,


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Cartes de sejour are not a requirement (hope this is true for workers - I think so - but ask your Mairie to be 100% certain as some communes still issue them) for the moment but goodness knows what Sarko will do.  Yes, you will have to pay tax, but no declaration needs to be made until tax returns are filed for the year of your arrival so you don't need to get in the system until May next year.  Just be sure to keep a percentage aside as you're likely to pay the first year all in one lump!

Others will have a view too, I'm sure.

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Its a TITRE de Séjour that you ask for these days. Be prepared for a wait though and insist if the local prefecture refuses, it is your right to have one especially for living and working here. My son waited about four months and when we chased it up they backdated it to the application date previously. It is very useful for backing up cheques and other requirements instead of producing an expensive bulky passport each time.
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