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mobile homes


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In a bid to increase our standard of living slightly this year we are investigating the purchase of a mobile home.

Does anyone have any info on transporting one from UK to France ie companies and costings  or alternatively where to purchase one in France (second hand) and delivery costs??


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Sounds as though you are in the same position as we are. We have been running away to cheap hotels in Spain for the last year.

I noticed an advert on the Living France home page- bottom right hand corner - sale of second hand mobile homes by Canvas Holidays. I havent done any research into good value or delivery charges but you might like to have a look.

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It may well be worth contacting the Camping companies in France who are based in UK as they sell older homes at end of season and transportation costs will obviously be less. I used to work for Holidaybreak and I know they did sell them at one time. They are based at Northwich in Cheshire so it is worth a call to their Operations Dept to check. Sorry I do not have current telephone number. They should be around prices of Haven but from past knowledge would say they will be in better condition.
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  • 4 weeks later...

We have recently purchased a brand new mobile home in the Vendee Region. It can be difficult to find contacts on the net at a reasonable price, we also found that UK models were not gurenteed once it left UK shores (ABI). In the end we searched for sites which sold Mobile Homes, we have found a superb site which is open all year round. We have purchased an IRM (French Company) & the quality is excellent. It is more expensive than O'Hara etc but you get far more for your money & ours is fully insulated. Go careful with the ex holiday home models, you get what you pay for & they are budget models with thin walls & floors.

Feel free to contact me if you would like any more information, our Mobile is now our pride & joy.



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As usual I see this sort of post about mobile homes or caravans and wonder how so many people can get permission to place such a thing on their land as a habitation. IF we were granted permission around here, for we would have to apply for permission, it would only be given for three months.


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[quote]As usual I see this sort of post about mobile homes or caravans and wonder how so many people can get permission to place such a thing on their land as a habitation. IF we were granted permission arou...[/quote]

Am I missing something here?

What is your problem or issue?


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As stated in my original post we are considering buing a mobile home.

There are 2 separate mobile homes in the next hamlet to ours which are perminantly sited on the owners private land and are lived in perminantly.

As We are a family of 5 (3 young kids) living 1/2 in an old caravan and 1/2 in the barn we are renovating we thought buying a mobile home would improve our standard of living a bit whilst we finish renovating.

Of course we would have to speak to the Mairie discuss the above said and obtain any relevant permis and pay habitation tax on the mobile home.

Teamedup does it really bother you that much what other people manage to accomplish/achieve when it doesnt effect you personally??

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HI Benson

My good lady works for IRM in the Vendee. they are the biggest manufacturer in Europe, as I understand it.

If you have any question you need answering let me know and I'll do the asking for you..

Sounds like you need help .. like pronto.

I wouldn't bother bringing one from the UK there is literally no advantage to you.

Where in France are you?


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Hendo, let's see what advice your good lady's company are passing on concerning the laws.

Our mairie told us that if  permission was granted then a mobile home could be installed as a habitation for three months and I had looked it up too when they had said this, and they were exactly right. The laws are there. Fortunately it isn't just dependant on the nod and wink of the Mairie, the DDE have a say too.

We were hard up when we were having this house built, but like everyone else in this village over the last 23 years who have renovated or built, we lived somewhere else whilst we were getting our house built, in our case we rented.

And yes, it would bother me if someone plonked one of these things on land  next to us. It would bother me if I was holidaying and saw these things randomly plonked around the countryside too.

I have nothing against camp sites or mobile home sites.


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[quote]Hendo, let's see what advice your good lady's company are passing on concerning the laws. Our mairie told us that if permission was granted then a mobile home could be installed as a habitation for...[/quote]

Hi Teamedup,

Maybe you should have made the last comment known prior to your other statements, this way people would have understood your views.

For many of us a mobile home (on a site) is the first opportunity & most practical way of realising a dream at a younger age. When retirement comes a more permanent dwelling may well be sort. We have as much right to realising our dream as anyone else.

I will be more than happy to help anyone else, who through a mobile home, will enable them to make the first steps earlier.

I too would also be upset if a scruffy mobile home was sited in a field next to a property I owned for a long period of time. But they are not all scruffy & in most case are there for a purpose which would in time benefit the locality. That is unless run down barn's & properties are what we wish to see.


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Marc, my first post said :-

As usual I see this sort of post about mobile homes or caravans and wonder how so many people can get permission to place such a thing on their land as a habitation. IF we were granted permission around here, for we would have to apply for permission, it would only be given for three months.


So this had nothing to do with your post about getting a place on a site, which is the proper place to have a mobile home or caravan. I have nothing against sites. We have a caravan site in our village, there are quite a few around here. And we often have camping holidays. What you wouldn't have the right to do is place a mobile home on your land just like that, because you decided to do it, that is not your right.

In fact I was restrained in my first post really, it was quite gentle considering. I would like Hendo to post the laws if his good lady can get hold of them. I could ofcourse post them too and people could actually look them up.

And benson, caravans come under the same law, well just according to our Mairie they do. Around here we would not be able to have a caravan as a habitation for more than three months either.  As I said, we rented. And unless these permanent mobile homes come under the legislation and the restrictions of this legislation, then they are not legally placed either.


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We are talking about France here and foreigners coming here and doing n'importer quoi. The nod and the wink of the maire is not the law here. And if people cannot afford to come and live here within the law, well maybe they should not be coming at all.

Respect has been mentioned a lot this week on the news. Well my belief is that we foreigners should respect the laws of the country we have moved to. I don't really care what the indiginous population do, that is up to them. Here is a page from one of the main manufacturers of mobile homes in France under their legal heading.


ll Conditions d'installation, paragraph 2. It is all there.


It also states that these are considered as a caravan.


And yes I know about the unauthorised sites in the UK. So what, this is about France. I might be bothered about such things in the UK when I move back.

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[quote]And if people cannot afford to come and live here within the law, well maybe they should not be coming at all. I do not know of a single person in life who has not at some point in time, bent the ...[/quote]

Hear Hear Julz,

Very well put across

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Julz, Just what sort of audience did you anticipate you would be getting on this public message board when you very boldy slammed all that you see as bad in the UK and all in  big writing.

Were we all supposed to be happily nodding  in total agreement, saying YES, you get out whilst you can.

So because your implicataion was that these problems hold some UK exclusivity, I disagreed, to be told that I am ignorant of the UK.   I have a very great interest in where I live and that means I know a lot about France and I know that what you are running away from can very easily be found here too. This may come as a surprise but I know what goes on in the UK. Much of life is rotten, lousy and sad in both the UK and France but I would rather be in either of them than in Canada, but that is just me.

AND for all you think it was  me who was being antagonistic and condescending,  devine what I thought you were being, AND in big writing.

However, you are right, I don't like the expat's who come here and do n'importer quoi. A backlash will happen one day and I just hope I am not here when it does. 


And I'm finished now. Other posters I'm sure will tell you exactly what you want to hear will be far better suited to reply to you than I ever will. I don't do rosey.

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Did anyone see the programme last night on Channel 6 CAPITAL which dealt with this issue - mobile homes. Some of the segment was shot in IRM and the rest in a region of SW France I think. The fact that Mobile homes are being used as primary habitation for extended periods was the topic being examined.

I found it to be rather interesting that the Mayor of this area seemed to think that it was the single issue which 'spoilt' the 'most beautiful region in France'.

The number of loopholes in the law seem to be endless. I guess that this particular law is a toothless tiger.


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'And if people cannot afford to come and live here within the law, well maybe they should not be coming at all.'

Teamed up

You may not be posting but i'm sure your still watching!!

I do hope this remark was not directed at me and my family personally.  Although I am offended by it.

Me and my family moved to France 2 years ago for many many reasons. 

 Due to the sale of our property in the UK we were able to finance the purchase of our barn outright and we did rent a property for the first 8 months. 

My husband is a qualified french registered artisan and has as much disrespect for people working on the black as you.

We are not in a position financially to rent anymore as all of our hard earned money is needed to finance our renovation.

We have no intention to live outside of the law.

What about French people who do this, should they not be here either?

I appreciate all comments and opinions as they may well point out things which may have otherwise been overlooked.

Can a mobile home be sited on private land but only habited for 3 months at a time??  This way we could live in the barn during summer and retire to the mobile home for 3 months during winter?  I know you will probably consider this to be bending the rules which is why i'm asking.


we really are just looking for a very cheap second hand mobile home as hopefully this will be the last year we need this type of accommodation  Its the transportation side of things we need to look at.




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- Selon la norme NF EN 1647 (Déc. 98), la résidence mobile (mobile home) est un véhicule habitable de loisirs transportable, qui ne satisfait pas aux exigences pour la construction ou l’utilisation de véhicules routiers, qui conserve ses moyens de mobilité et qui est destiné à une occupation temporaire ou saisonnière et donc pas une résidence principale permanente.

- Comme il est assimilée à une caravane d’après la circulaire du 29 février 1988 émanant du Ministère de l’Equipement et des Transports, le mobile home doit conserver en permanence ses moyens de mobilité (roues et timons) afin de pouvoir quitter son emplacement à tout moment et sans délai par simple traction par l’un de ses côtés.

- Vous ne pouvez pas aménager votre habitation saisonnière d’une terrasse en béton, d’une véranda en parpaings ou autre installation en « dur » (clôture, abris de jardin) si cela remet en cause la mobilité de votre résidence. Seuls les terrasses et les auvents démontables, qui n’entravent pas cette faculté à se mouvoir sont autorisés.

- Votre résidence mobile doit être posée sur cales non fixées au sol et peut être stabilisée par des piquets, ou moyens similaires, pouvant être retirés rapidement, ou stabilisés par des vérins.

- Les raccordements des résidences mobiles aux réseaux d’alimentation en eau, d’évacuation des eaux, d’électricité, de gaz, de téléphone, de télévision et autres réseaux similaires doivent s’effectuer conformément aux règlements, normes ou règles de l’art applicables en vigueur. Ils ne font pas perdre son caractère de mobilité à la résidence mobile s’ils sont facilement démontables.

- La résidence mobile ne doit pas être confondue avec les Habitations Légères de Loisirs (HLL), terme générique désignant des hébergements sans fondations, démontables, tels que les chalets ou bungalows. En effet, la législation sur les HLL est différente et plus contraignante que celle des résidences mobiles.


- La réglementation actuelle prévoit que votre résidence mobile soit installée sur un camping ou un Parc Résidentiel de Loisirs (PRL). Dans l’état actuel de la législation, la résidence mobile n’est alors pas assujettie au permis de construire tant que sa superficie ne dépasse pas 40 m2 et qu’elle conserve ses moyens de mobilité. Fiscalement, en tant que propriétaire d’un mobile home, vous ne devriez pas payer de taxe d’habitation même s’il y a un branchement EDF ou autre. Toutefois, la résidence mobile est soumise à la taxe de séjour appliquée aux touristes (quelques euros par jour).

- Si vous souhaitez installer votre résidence mobile en terrain privé, vous devez obligatoirement demander une autorisation à votre mairie. Selon les cas, certaines mairies délivrent une autorisation de stationnement pour une durée de 3 mois maximum, exigent une demande de permis de construire, soumettent l’installation aux impositions locales ou très souvent vous refusent catégoriquement l’installation. De plus, même muni d’un droit d’implantation de la mairie, les services de la DDE (Direction Départementale de l’Equipement) peuvent remettre en cause à tout moment votre installation car l’accord de votre mairie n’est pas une dérogation par rapport à la réglementation en vigueur.

-Pour ces raisons, il vous est vivement recommandé d’installer votre résidence mobile sur un terrain de camping ou un parc résidentiel de loisirs, seuls endroits où la réglementation en vigueur le permet.


- Avant d’acquérir une résidence mobile, il vous faut trouver un terrain où l’installer et rédiger avec le propriétaire du camping ou du parc résidentiel de loisirs, un contrat de location . Celui-ci stipule que la location est consentie à titre temporaire et à titre de loisir uniquement. N’oubliez pas que vous n’êtes que le locataire de l’emplacement sur lequel vous êtes installé : votre contrat est tacitement reconduit mais peut toutefois faire l’objet d’une renégociation chaque année. Le propriétaire du terrain met à votre disposition les diverses installations de son établissement, en échange, vous devez vous acquitter des charges (redevance d’occupation, eau, gaz, électricité, etc.) et assurer votre mobile home.

- Le mobile home est généralement considéré comme une caravane par l’assureur, trajets routiers exceptés. Si celui-ci ne dispose pas de contrat « caravane », il peut vous proposer un contrat de type « habitation individuelle ». Si vous rencontrez des difficultés à trouver une assurance spécifique, la Fédération française de camping et de caravaning propose des solutions adaptées à ses adhérents (FFCC : 78, rue de Rivoli, 75004 PARIS. Tél :


- Selon la norme concernant le coefficient d’occupation du sol (COS), sur un terrain de camping ou un parc résidentiel de loisirs (PRL), la surface de votre résidence mobile ne doit pas excéder 30% de la superficie de l’emplacement où elle est installée. Le COS prend non seulement en compte la résidence mobile mais aussi les installations attenantes comme un auvent, un abri de jardin ou une terrasse de plus de 60 cm de haut (les terrasses font généralement 40 cm de haut pour être à hauteur du seuil de porte).

- Camping :

- Dans un camping, les emplacements accordés aux mobile homes ne sont pas nécessairement plus grands que ceux des caravanes. Ils doivent simplement respecter les normes en vigueur avec une moyenne de superficie des emplacements de 90 m² en * et **, de 95 m² en ***, et de 100 m² en ****, avec une superficie minimale de 70 m² en * et **, et de 80 m² en *** et ****. Cela dit, les emplacements résidentiels dépassent souvent la moyenne exigée.

- Sur un terrain de camping ****, si vous avez un emplacement moyen de 100 m², votre résidence mobile ne doit pas dépasser 30 m². Si vous souhaitez installer une résidence mobile de 40 m², il vous faut demander une parcelle de minimum 135 m².

- Parc Résidentiel de Loisirs (PRL) :

- Le parc résidentiel de loisirs est considéré comme un hébergement intermédiaire entre le camping et la multipropriété de tourisme. On peut y acheter un emplacement – ce qui n’est pas possible dans un camping – ou le louer pour une durée déterminée. L’espace consenti aux mobile homes y est également plus important que dans un camping, avec une superficie moyenne de 200 m² par emplacement.


- Le transport de votre résidence mobile doit obligatoirement s’effectuer par un convoi exceptionnel. L’opération est donc relativement coûteuse, son montant pouvant grandement varier selon la distance à parcourir (2,3 à 4,6 € du kilomètre selon le type de convoi hors gabarit). Quant à l’installation (calage, branchements), elle a elle aussi un coût qui peut varier de 533 à 1525 € selon l’accessibilité du terrain, parfois plus si un grutage est nécessaire.

- Compte tenu de tous ces « postes budgétaires », préférez donc les solutions d’achat « tout compris, livré et installé ».

- N’oubliez pas que le calage doit être fait de façon précise pour la bonne ouverture des portes de votre résidence mobile. De plus, le calage et le raccordement sont sous la responsabilité de la personne l’effectuant, et n’interviennent pas dans la garantie du constructeur de votre résidence mobile.

Les distributeurs des résidences mobiles IRM (coordonnées sur ce site, rubrique « réseau de vente ») sont en mesure de vous proposer un emplacement sur différents campings de leur région, un grand choix de résidences mobiles IRM, la possibilité de vous le transporter et de vous l’installer « clé en main ».

Pour tout renseignement complémentaire, n’hésitez pas à les contacter.

These are the regs according to the biggest manufacturer. It applies to caravans too. It is all
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TU, I back you 100% and if folks can`t or won`t abide by the rules well ,thats their problem afterwards.

Same goes for anything in life, some of the folks get all of the blame and some get away scot free......depending on who interpets the rule and who is involved.

Mrs O

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