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Rip off!


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Lest anyone be in any doubt about how much BF have put fairs up on the Portsmouth/Caen route now that they have the monopoly;

I have just had a look at last years booking for August and I input the same criteria (same days, cabins, car, etc).

Last year it was £246.20, this year it would be £340.36...

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And that surprise you because...................?

A bit like when P&O were allowed to merge with Stena because it would be good for competition, and THEIR prices went up by 100% every year for THREE years.

I hadn't realised at the time, who remembers what they pay exactly, but I found an old calender with a reminder to pay the ferry fare for the summer holiday written in, and the old price staggered me: car plus caravan plus 4 pax = £79.00 return at high season, peak times.

They have come down again a bit since, but only until they see off the latest opposition, then look out!


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Mark, are you quoting a property owners price?  If not, then I think you've got a pretty good deal, both this year and last.  Customers of ours last year were telling me they had paid between £400 and £600 Portsmouth - Caen last summer.  What's your secret?
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Despite the fact that we live less than an hour from Poole, we travel to Dover everytime for our trip down to Aquitaine.  This adds 400 miles to our overall trip each way or 2 tanks of fuel (£100). This still easily the cheapest way to get across given that Dover crossings are well under £100.
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They are property owners prices, therefore no secret.

Both were Tuesdays at the cheapest travel times which obviously helps and I would assume that the prices quoted by your customers would be for Saturdays?

Makes visiting the house very expensive.

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We are in a similar situation, but no longer having a company car, I reckon to charge myself twenty five pence a mile, to allow for fuel, extra depreciation, extra servicing, tyres etc etc.

If you allow £200 as the extra cost of Dovering, I suppose it still costs in, but its just so ruddy boring doing the Rouen, Chartres slog


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[quote]Coco, They are property owners prices, therefore no secret. Both were Tuesdays at the cheapest travel times which obviously helps and I would assume that the prices quoted by your customers would be...[/quote]

The day you travel certainly makes a big difference to the price and yes, I suppose most of our guests are travelling on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday - all murderousl expensive.  USE SPEEDFERRIES!!!  Even with the extra driving.  We do, and we're only 40 minutes from Caen and an hour from Cherbourg.
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Agree with you about Brittany Ferries. They are now by far the most expensive routes across the channel. The 4 hour crossing with Transmanche to Dieppe is usually much less than Brittany and is about a quarter the price for a 4 day weekend. Although our house is about 45 minutes from Cherbourg we have taken to using Dover to Bolougne or even Dover to Calais and have not paid more than £50 for a return for 10 days  on the last several trips . It is a long drive but I refuse to be ripped off by the huge increase in costs on the Cherbourg route over the last year particularly for the extrras such as the cabins.We need some new competition on the western channel

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 but its just so ruddy boring doing the Rouen, Chartres slog

Agree absolutely, although it's a BIT better since they opened the section of dual carriageway from Evreux to St Remy.

Now if someone could arrange for St Remy to disappear..............


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I hardly think you were ripped off last August, Mark.   It seems to me the price you paid was quite amazingly low.  With the property owners discount, last August, with daytime sailings and cabin, I paid £368.00.  I sailed out Tuesday 27th July, back Wednesday 24th August.  I actually thought the price not too bad as 2003 August price was over £400 and far too much for me.  This year, out early July, back early August, will cost just over £310 - as sailing out and back on Tuesdays.  this is not cheap, but I have to consider a husband who gets seasick on speedy ferries, or old boats to Dieppe and Calais is so far from our cottage we would have 2 or 3 days on the road (he can also get car sick so we have to go gently!)

Best wishes to all sailers from the sunny south coast,    J

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brittany may be expensive, and sure we have feared to tread that route for many years, but have priced out a five day return to uk in june with the car and children, and brittany came out at 248€ with the fast ferry both ways from caen...only 28€more than p&o from le harve. take off the extra travel time, fuel, tolls, and add extra time in uk.........then brittany at last is a winner.
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[quote]Agree with you about Brittany Ferries. They are now by far the most expensive routes across the channel. The 4 hour crossing with Transmanche to Dieppe is usually much less than Brittany and is about ...[/quote]

At the moment BF are offering special prices for 5 days and less and over 5 days. They are an improvement on their original price!

Maybe they are beginning to realise that holiday makers are voting by ferry economy. 

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