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Change of name


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I changed my name in the Uk after my divorce - not back to my single name, just a name I liked.  The French system seems unable to cope with this!  I fill in ' nom de jeune fille', 'nom de marriage' and then I have to put my present name.  Apparently, this method of choosing your name does not exist in France.  Fortunately, I have the Deed Poll duly sealed by a solicitor in the Uk and this seems to satisfy the authorities.

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Good job you have a deed poll. In Scotland there is no requirement for such a thing (you only have to advertise the change in the local paper). It seems that the only way for a Scotsman to change their name in France is to join the Foreign Legion. Come to think of it how do ex Legionaires fill in their French forms?
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My daughter changed her name by deed poll to the same surname as my partner (We intend to marry here next summer) because she needed to apply for her first passport and we though it would be easier to do it now rather rather than later. She has always been known at school etc by the "new" surname and her passport is now in the "new" name.

Were you able to get your carte vitale using your deed poll, or is it in your "old" name? I ask because we haven't tried to get her carte changed into the new name yet.....we'd heard it wasn't possible, but perhaps you know differently?  It's a bit awkward for her having the two names in tandem!

Any info gratefully received, (I've always fancied calling myself something posh like Lady Pilkington Smythe)


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  • 2 weeks later...
Ihad had my 'new' name for 25 years when I came to France and my passport, bank accounts, etc. were all in my new name. However, I did still need to produce the deed poll when applying for my Carte de Sejour, etc.

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