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Ryanair - Stansted to Limoges


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Is it just me or does anyone else think Ryanair prices have had a sharp hike in the last year?  I thought it was because I was missing the windows given for booking the cheapest flights but I can’t always have such poor timing surely?  I used to regularly get fares for £5.99 but now the lowest seems to be £19.99 or £29.99 for the more popular days. Once the tax is added on and you’ve hired a car it’s running into a tidy sum.  Now I use the fabulous speed ferries but an 8 hour drive each way is not great on shorter trips….


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I thought similar - my wife keeps telling me she checks and can never find any "deals" for Limoges. I now rarely fly- go over speed ferries (or any other with a good deal - they are getting better again!) and stop over in Orleans for the night and a good meal - any other suggestions for a night stop and a good selection of restaurants to break the journey gratefully received.
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I started using St Etienne instead of Limoges (as we are in 63 we can use either) but these prices seems to have started going up too - still usually much cheaper than Limoges though.

Incidentally, I've been looking for flights to Brive as I'm sure there used to be a low fares carrier going there - does anyone have any info on this?


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I suspect we'll have this roller coaster of prices between the ferrys and flying from now on, thye can blame it on oil prices etc but they now have a captive audience. They may well have 'undercover staff' flying or mingling with the passengers to get the feel of how many are visiting their second homes, a large propertion and Bingo, they know we need to go out there regularly and so can push prices up until we move from one carrier to another. This isn't quite so bad as far as Limoges, but for those who use say, Carcassonne or Perpignan???
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Could it be that prices are rising because there is a demand for the seats?  It is after all the summer and people may want to travel to Limoges more now than they did in January when it was 99p I think it it used to be called supply and demand.  Don't knock it, the more people who use the route the less likelihood of Ryanair pulling it in the Autumn.

As far as I know Brives airport is for light aircraft only.

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