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I caught the ferry at Boulogne this afternoon, and nearly got a crick in my neck trying to read the completion date for the A16 link, so am v glad to see it here.  (The on-site notice just said "2005", but Forum Admin's link is more specific and claims 15 October.)

The notice was just beneath the flyover that takes traffic northwards over the bridge into the town; ferry-goers have to go *under* the flyover to reach the port.  So I sort of imagined one would be swept onto the A16 link road immediately on exiting the port.

It can't come soon enough, as it's complete chaos at the moment, with the new roads not being open, and my GPS not recognising any of the new roads and roundabouts!


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Used the new road for the first time today, it does bring you out at the roundabout by Leclerc, so you are OK for fuel. However no thought seems to have been given to how traffic can merge with the traffic already on a busy roundabout. This was causing a huge (by French standards) tailback on the new road. Hasnt so much cured the problem, it's just moved it !
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I used it yesterday - from the autoroute into the port.

I do not recall seeing signs specifically for the ferry terminal as I approached the port. At one roundabout there were signs for Port de Plaisance and (I think) Port de Commerce. I followed the latter and ended up a block away from the terminal (not a problem) so I suggest you follow the Plaisance signs.

All in all, a good road which greatly simplifies what was a puzzle of a journey.

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Where's the junction with the A16? I don't remember seeing any roadworks?


There isn't a junction with the A16. It is a continuation of the dual carriageway access road from the A16 and begins (if I remember correctly) at the roundabout on the Boulogne side of Leclerc. In other words it goes from the port area to Leclerc.

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The actual junction with the A16 is out of the town at the top of the hill, but there is a link road down to the Le clerc roudabout, and now you go straight ahead (2nd exit) to go direct to the ferry terminal.

Coming off the ferry, you should be directed onto the new road, and when you come out at the roundabout, again straight across (2nd exit) for the A16.

Though how the building of this express way out of the ferry terminal supports the statement by the person from the chamber of commerce I don't know -

Our main focus will always be to encourage visitors from the UK to remain in the town and region for day trips, short breaks or longer stays,


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As the difference in fuel prices is becoming quite marginal now, I will be inclined to fill up in UK and get straight onto autoroute without bothering to stop for petrol around Boulogne. For the sake of a pound (or less), I would rather get some miles under my belt.

Hopefully, the new road will remove some of the confusion around the port roads. The road signs/layout have never been great around Boulogne and there always seem to be a number of first-timers looking lost. The link road should also help avoid ferries being missed as a result of roadworks in centre backing up the traffic to beyond the port access - something that has twice almost caught me out.

So, looks like good news to me.

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