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new motorway

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  • 2 months later...

the web site said October 2005 last year

No,  I think you will find that it said December until very recently. I have been watching with great interest given the enforced changes to my travel habits towards  37 when Le Havre closes down.

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Looks like they are having a job making there mind up when it will open - I didn't imagine a date of October so it must have been there some time ago and I haven't bothered to look for ages as we can see progress on the spot.

Perhaps they just moved the date back to December for a while so that they can claim it is open early in October. It looks as though they will have to go some to get it ready by October though - they hadn't even got the central reservation in near Bernay a couple of weeks ago. Maybe we should open a book on opening date.

The junction with the A13 is just on the Rouen side of the Bourg-Achard junction and location doesn't seem to make a lot of sense unless there will eventually be a western bypass for Rouen or they are going to improve the road from there to the Pont de Brottone (sp?)  One of our options is to join the A13 at Bourg-Achard and we've found that the Pont de Brottonne  is quicker than going through Rouen if coming back late Sunday afternoon in summer when the A13 is often slow moving towards Paris.

Best Regards



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  • 3 months later...

[quote]No the 27th was always the actual opening day, last Friday's opening was just photo opportunity / plaque unveiling day for M de Villepin.[/quote]

Yes, M. de Villepin had me fooled. I thought an opening ceremony meant just that, especially if you read the Orne departmental website. However the motorway is open today according to Paris-Normandie.
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The new A28 Alencon to Rouen autoroute is definitely open. The 27th must have been the first "proper" day because the locals were peering down from the bridges and suited people (architects, planners - who knows?) taking pictures of the loos at one of the stops !!!. We drove north up it yesterday coming onto the motorway system at Saumur. It cost us 11.40 euros more than the usual cost (previously as far as Alencon only). I reckon it saved nearly an hour on the old N138. There are only a couple of "aires" open so far, but I saw one petrol station being built. There's no fuel to buy for a long way, so make sure you've enough. I also spotted a speed trap radar tripod catching southbound traffic - so soon, amazing!

The new road has got two sections where it narrows down to a single lane each way with a 50kph limit on viaducts across valleys. It seemed to me that the planners have only allowed for narrow bridges at this stage and may upgrade them when traffic flow demands and finances permit. This may cause a few hold-ups in summer peaks - but who cares, it's still a massive improvement on the old road.

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[quote]the web site said October 2005 last year No, I think you will find that it said December until very recently. I have been watching with great interest given the enforced changes to my travel habit...[/quote]

Quote (BJSLIV): “No, I think you will find that it said December until very recently. I have been watching with great interest given the enforced changes to my travel habits towards 37 when Le Havre closes down”

I assume you will also be using the new bit of the A28 between just south of Le Mans and Tours which is also due to open this year (quite a few months ahead of schedule). The Dec 2005 date for this bit has been generally quoted around for some time and seems to be confirmed by those who will be operating in (http://www.cofiroute.fr/cofiroute.nsf/web/a28.htm). On the bits I have seen over the last couple of weeks, they have now started painting the white lines on it.


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Like Nearly Retired we used the new autoroute yesterday from Alencon - certainly saved time! Him indoors decided to leave at Elbouf as felt it would be quicker than going to the end - just wondred how long it took from Elbouf back to the point we joined at Bergthouralde (not sure spelt right)?

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So when are they going to sort the Rouen by-pass?


The route for the link around Rouen is not yet decided so will be a long time coming. They are currently holding public meetings to discuss the route for an Eastern bypass, (A28 north of Rouen to the Cows Roundabout) which  should be ready about 2010 (Don't hold your breath!). There will then be a further project for a western route to directly link the two parts of the A28 around the west of Rouen. Which will be ready..........

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Our latest B&B guests said they used the new motorway from Alencon.  They sang it's praises in terms of time saved but commented that the peage system is a little strange.  Apparently you have to park up in a lay-by and get your ticket validated in a machine and then continue on through the barriers.  They said this was away from the line of barriers where the toll booths usually are and was causing chaos, especially with the French, who were not used to this sort of system.  Anyone know if this is true and whether it's temporary or not?
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