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What is a Welcome Certificate?


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Hello friends, l just registered and got the topics of the forum, l think l can post my request here,

First of All l would like to thank to all mates who founded this amazing English French Community Forum. l was looking for a community where l can talk about france and french peoples for a long time but they were all in french language, Well l am just started to learning french, and this sweet language is very hard to learn for me. Well l bought a Pinsleur French Audio Set to Make it seriouse.

Well l want to visit my friend in Amiens, l want to learn more about welcome certificate, As l learnt after the COLD relationships between my country ( Turkey ) and France it became more hard to get normal tourist visa, So l will try my chance but l want to also learn the alternatives...

What is a "Welcome Certificate" ?? How can l make a request for "Welcome Certificate" ?? How can l get a "Welcome Certificate" ??

if anyone can explain me, l would be greatfull.


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So there is no one interested with my topic and with my request? That doesnt seem friendly. Thanks in anyway.

Well l just realised this s a property forum and should l attend to rent or buy a house in france to get an answer for myself?

Well Actually l also want to rent a house for myself and my gf when l come france. But l need to know if l can live in france more than months...



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Sorry you haven't had any replies but I think it's probably because no-one knows the answer. I've never heard of a welcome certificate, but looked on google and it said something about certificat d'herbergement which means being able to get accommodation. They advise you to ask at the local Mairie or gendarmes. But obviously you can't do that until you are in France. If you do come to France the most important thing is to have enough money to live on, as it's not easy to find work. Also to speak french. Good luck - Pat.
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[quote user="recep"]So there is no one interested with my topic and with my request? That doesnt seem friendly. Thanks in anyway.[/quote]

We're not being unfriendly. I suspect most members of this forum haven't a clue what you mean by a "welcome certificate". I certainly didn't.

I've dug around on the French government website, which has a section in English, and if you look at the following link


it provides the essential information about the CAI  - contrat d'accueil et d'intégration - which I presume must be what you are asking about.

The key documents can be downloaded from this page:


It applies to foreigners entering France for the first time between the ages of 16 and 18 who intend to live in France and is really about integrating people into French life. AFAIK, you still have to get a residence permit as per usual - this is NOT an alternative. It has only existed since 1st Jan 2007 nationwide, and I suspect that nobody on this forum will have come across it or have been subject to it.


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Hi, do you mean attestion d accueil. This is a certificate your friend will need to get from the Marie to prove you have accommodation before you can apply for a visa. It is used when you stay at someones home instead of a hotel. You can find information here http://vosdroits.service-public.fr/particuliers/F2191.xhtml

It is quite easy to obtain but your friend will  need to take a lot of paperwork to the Marie and it costs about 25 euros.


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