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Sea France impose a Fuel surcharge Levy

Ron Avery

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Sera France are imposing a 7€ surcharge on all journeys after 1 December. 14€ return. This is quite amazing since fuel prices have reduced by 20% since August,  Sea France claim that they could absorb the fuel prices up to now but as volumes reduce they can no longer do so.   What a strange company, they could have easily justified a € or two in the summer but now?  Maybe they have looked at how much P&O are charging for Christmas journeys or just cashing in on the booze cruisers.
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The timing was ironic, I travelled to work with Speedferries and was delighted to find that their surcharge was lifted. When i got to work I found an e-mail from Seafrance ! They are truely having a laugh at our expense.  I have now cancelled all my Seafrance reservations and transferred to other operators. 'Fight the Pirates' springs to mind
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Just had an e-mail from Speed ferries, thought it very interesting, I Know you guys in the N/W of fFrance don't use Calais much but for therest of us it's great:

Frequent Traveller 10-Trip SuperVoucher™, £190 (introduction price)


10 single or 5 return trips for a Standard car+5. (Lead passenger OR car must be used for all trips unless otherwise agreed with the SpeedFerries call centre).
Never any surcharges.
Valid for two years after purchase.
No fee when you (via our call centre) activate a ticket for a specific departure. 
£10 amendment fee if you later change a fixed reservation but NO change in the ticket price, even if you change to the most expensive peak summer sailings.
No restrictions on the duration of stay or sailing (subject to space availability).

That's £19 each way for car + 5  !!!!!!!!!!

I know that when I've supported SpeedFerries in the past some have said they have had to pay fuel surcharges at the Docks. I sent them an E-mail telling them that they had upset a lot of passengers, as I am sure did many others, it must have worked because this was also attached:
An apology from the CEO.
Nevertheless I must offer an apology. SpeedFerries has been fighting to simplify the grotesque ticket pricing systems used within the industry, in order to make things easier for everyone and also to introduce fairness into the way ferry companies treat their customers. I believe it is fair to say that we have been rather successful with this project. However, the fuel-surcharge which SpeedFerries collected at check-in for a short period of time was not at all in line with our way of thinking. The fuel prices were indeed extreme but it is important for our customers to know and trust, that you only have to pay the advertised price. So never again will additional fuel surcharges be payable, you have my word!

Well done Speedferries I for one will be holding you to this.
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Please can you advise when you received the email from the CEO.  As I have in front of me a receipt from Speedferries dated 13/11/05 for a 4 Euro oil supplement.  My husband and I were returning home on the Dover-Boulogne route and when we arrived at the port we were told we would have to pay a supplement.  When asked the reason for this, (as we have never experienced this) the ticket bloke said it was due to high fuel costs.  My husband and I were both very cross at the cheek of this.  Whilst it doesn't amount to much, once you've paid the price they are quoting on the internet you shouldn't then have to stump up and pay a little extra, regardless of the amount.  This caused delays prior to boarding as presumably the Speedferries operatives were having to explain this to everyone.

A very surprised Dotty


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If Seafrance purchased their fuel with a yearly contract it is quite possible that their costs increased in December even though fuel was no longer at its highest levels. If they had not bought ahead surcharges would have been higher and introduced earlier. Speedferries being a smaller operation probably didn’t buy ahead. However it is good to see that Speedferries have recognised the harm done to their image by imposing a surcharge and have now promised not to do so again. Presumably they will shift the burden to late buyers. So far they do not seem to have made much use of flexible pricing to penalise late comers. Presumably having only one craft they either sell out eraly or a grateful for any revenue they can get their hands on.

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Thanks, but It as your email from Speedferries was after my trip it's pointless I think.  Lets hope they stick to their word.



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