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eurotunnel frequent traveller changes


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I see from an email today that Eurotunnel has moved the goalposts on new Frequent Traveller accounts.

Folkestone - Calais off-peak trips now apply from 4pm rather than 3pm.

Calais - Folkestone off-peak now have to be made by 2pm rather than 3pm.

New accounts opened before 15/12 still qualify for the old, more useful, timings but of course the 'carnet' of crossings has to be used within 12 months. It will no doubt encourage a flurry of extra income over the next week (including my £390-worth), which I'm sure is why they are doing it. Still, if taking advantage of their loyal users keeps them from going bust...

It's not too bad for me (though galling to lose 2 hours from every trip or pay extra) as I've only a 1-hour journey on the French side, but for those of you with longer journeys it's especially mean!
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It all seems very petty - 1 hour either way can't make that much difference to them. Except at peak times, which are covered by the peak period surcharges, the shuttles are never anywhere near full at these times. I can only assume, like you, that this is a ruse to improve cash flow at a quiet time. Poor timing considering Speedferries have just announced their £19 a crossing frequent traveller scheme.

There was a suggestion a while ago that LD lines would introduce frequent traveller fares on the Le Havre route - has anyone heard any more on this?


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