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Portsmouth to Bilbao


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someone on the forum must have used the Portsmouth/Bibao ferry to access the deep South West of France, if so, was it considered a realistic option to the usual Dover ferry and long drive? I can't see that the cost would be any more, but are there any particular drawbacks (apart from the Spanish drivers). The point is i do enjoy the drive down through France, but it's getting a bit much for my elderly parents, and i thought this alternative might be more relaxing. Any comments would be gratefully received. 

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I haven't used this service but (in a previous life) have used plymouth -Sanatander. Good quality booat, accom and food.

I have recently tried to use either of these in order to widen a stay 'down south'. Unfiortunately the sailings are too infrequent to easily fit into holiday schedules. 


I would also appreciate any info you dig up.



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When I was working in the Nice/Cannes area and travelling from Britain we always drove down from Calais. I too have used the Plymouth/Santander route as part of a voyage to Spain, which was absolutely fine, even on a small BF ship in the old days, and now the ships are much bigger, and better equipped to handle the Bay of Biscay conditions. I agree that in bad weather it can be unpleasant - no worse than Speedferries etc but you are on the ship for a lot longer when travelling to Spain, so if you do tend to be seasick it's probably not the best option.

From what I have seen at Portsmouth ferry port, most of the passengers to Bilbao seem to be booze cruisers on a cheapy there-and-back trip rather than serious passengers. It does look like a good option to SW France if you don't like driving, or don't have several people to share a long drive through France like we always did.

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