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adverse weather conditions


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Hi all, and a belated merry christmas.

anybody attempting to get across the channel during this mini ice age (ie a few cm of snow)? Friends are texting from the tunnel terminal having been there for about 6 hours (currently about 9pm on Tuesday 27th)- no food left when they arrived and now hours later it seems like they may be there all night... We are due to cross tomorrow and I've rung the travel info helpline that says services are suspended, then when you press the star button for more info, there is a hilarious extra bit with voices saying "that's not right" "that's not working is it" (but I don't think this is significant). We are in theory off tomorrow but don't plan to set out unless there is any chance of getting over this side of 2006... It was supposed to be the cat's first crossing but she is now booked in to a cattery to avoid any chance of us being tempted to eat her en route!
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There appears to be snow all over France with the north coast being particularly hard hit.  Once again today, Wednesday, Normandy is forcast orange.  The snow arrived further up around Cherbourg, Le Havre, Caen etc, yesterday.  They talked about 10-15cm of snow there.

We have had a sprinkling here in Morbihan. 

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I have just been watching the lunchtime news and Normandy seems closed.  The route between Caen and Rennes is impassable.  Talk of 30cm of snow at Caen.

This is without mentioning the Centre and the East......it has gone here though.  For the moment.

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We've been snowed in since the morning of the 27th, but we are on a steep hill in basse Normandie.  Friends arrived yesterday from Calais and didn't hit any snow til the Caen ringroad.  It then took them two hours instead of 40 minutes to get to their house because the A84 was closed and they were re-routed via Bayeux and Saint Lo.  However, the motorway is open again today and friends who arrived at St Malo this morning said it was just heavy frost but no snow.

We're still snowed in and there's another orange alert tonight!  My meteo subscription has expired so I can't get more than a day in advance and tonight it is forecast as minus 6!!  On the BBC world weather though our area is forecast as being 10-12 degrees tomorrow so it must be going to warm up bloody quickly overnight!!!  Hope so, we've ordered a nice seafood platter for New Year's Eve and at the moment we haven't a hope in hell of getting down the Cresta run

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Just to update anyone thinking of travelling in the Pas de Calais today, it is now really dangerous.   Motorways are closed to lorries and very slippery for cars.   There was heavy snow this morning followed by rain and it is around -2C outside, so cars are sliding all over the place.   We certainly don't intend to go out again until it warms up - predicted for tomorrow.
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I wish we had realised how bad the weather was and we would have stayed in Calais!

Anyway we were surprised to find, that after a very rough crossing and eventually arriving at Calais at 3pm, that parts of the main roads hadn't been gritted, or had but to no effect.

There were no warnings and no gritters and after passing an overturned car on the opposite side it was pretty obvious it was dangerous. Unfortunately, it was difficult for us to stop and we would have got off at Boulogne and stopped the night but we as we were towing a high sided trailer it was to hilly and so too much of a risk getting stuck. However south of Boulogne the roads improved but then the fog, rain and wind hit and it was far too dangerous so we stopped in Rouen for the night. That journey took us 4 hours! 

What was scary was that so many drivers were so careless and speeding in such treacherous conditions. Even in thick fog it was amazing how many people overtook us - I'm surprised we didnt see any more accidents.



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