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even newer baggage & booking rules from Ryanair


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So what happens to those who have already booked a flight for later in the year but have not checked in their luggage with their booking - because the opton was not there?

Do the conditions apply at the time of booking (I doubt it)?

Is this a caase of unfair trading practices - possible but O'Leary wouldn't hear of it?


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I am not against Ryanair doing this, as I usually travel with hand luggage only. However I would be interested to see how my normal 1p (penny) fares can be reduced by £2.50. Will he pay me to fly with him.................I think not



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Sooooooo....one buys a ticket for a penny, turns up for a week long break in la belle france

(or Vienna via ANOTHER COUNTRY or Barcelona via an albeit delightful

little town on the other side of Spain) with a bag weighing a fairly

modest 18kg and get charged:

    - Check-in levy of £2.50

    - "Excess" baggage of 3kg times £5.50 = £16.50

Total (excluding drinks) = £19 or £38 return. Frankly, for that kind of

money, I'd hope that my bag got better accommodation than I did.

One could probably post ones clothes for about this......why does this company annoy me so much???? [8o|]

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[quote user="jond"]Sooooooo....one buys a ticket for a penny, turns up for a week long break in la belle france (or Vienna via ANOTHER COUNTRY or Barcelona via an albeit delightful little town on the other side of Spain) with a bag weighing a fairly modest 18kg and get charged:

    - Check-in levy of £2.50
    - "Excess" baggage of 3kg times £5.50 = £16.50

Total (excluding drinks) = £19 or £38 return. Frankly, for that kind of money, I'd hope that my bag got better accommodation than I did.

One could probably post ones clothes for about this......why does this company annoy me so much???? [8o|]


Ryanair did announce an increase of baggage allowance to 20kg plus 10kg carry on at the same time meaning scrap the £16.50 above. But its not, not getting the £2.50 reduction on the the fare thats the problem, its the fact that the so called taxes have now increased effectivelly by £2.50 each way which means the cheapest return fares are now at least £50 before adding on the so called "fare".



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[quote user="Widnesbob"]

[quote user="jond"]Sooooooo....one buys a ticket for a penny, turns up for a week long break in la belle france

(or Vienna via ANOTHER COUNTRY or Barcelona via an albeit delightful

little town on the other side of Spain) with a bag weighing a fairly

modest 18kg and get charged:

    - Check-in levy of £2.50

    - "Excess" baggage of 3kg times £5.50 = £16.50


(excluding drinks) = £19 or £38 return. Frankly, for that kind of

money, I'd hope that my bag got better accommodation than I did.

One could probably post ones clothes for about this......why does this company annoy me so much???? [8o|]


Ryanair did announce an increase of baggage allowance to 20kg plus

10kg carry on at the same time meaning scrap the £16.50 above. But its

not, not getting the £2.50 reduction on the the fare thats the

problem, its the fact that the so called taxes have now increased

effectivelly by £2.50 each way which means the cheapest return fares

are now at least £50 before adding on the so called "fare".




Presumably they worked out just how much business they were going to be

parting with if they went along the £5.50 / kg for anything above

15kg.... you don't think that they read this board???

Re. Tax - jet kerosene bears no duty, unlike road fuels. It is not

unreasonable to levy a tax. Why should the airline industry receive an

effective subsidy from the public purse to allow it to compete with

road use? It's hardly an environmentally friendly means of transport

compared to rail or sea, after all.

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Now I know where the term "whinging pom" comes from. Why does everyone moan about Ryanair they offer good value for money and if they can increase their profits by charging for luggage then good for them. Companies are not charitable institutions and will charge what the market will stand. If you don't like it vote with your feet and use someone else. All you hear from a lot of expats is whinging about the price of fuel the social charges the fact that someone is doing a bit of work on the side. Instead of moaning why not just work a bit harder and make a lot more dosh so you don't have to give a damn about how much things cost.

Have a nice day

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AndyH4 - the charge for booking in luggage only applies to flights booked after March 16th, so you shouldn't incur any costs if you book all your planned flights prior to this date.  I can see it being interesting at the check-in desks.  Suggest it would be handy to print a copy of this announcement and keep it with your passport and booking ref. along with proof of the date you booked your flight.
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RyanAir offers amazingly cheap flights on a "no frills" basis, out of season. I might not love flying with them but their flights are terrific value. The bit I hate most is the UK airport experience, French regional airports by contrast I find to be charming.

Good news that RyanAir seem to be trying to make the terrible airport experience a bit better.

Thing I don't understand is how the queues will be speeded up if the check-in staff are having to take £2.50s and £5s - cash, credit cards or cheques?  

By the by, why do check-in staff ask the damnfool questions like "Did you pack this suitcase yourself"? Did it not occur to the bod who dreampt this one up -  that if a person is a terrorist or drug smuggler, it is not beyond them to tell little fibs to these questions.

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why do check-in staff ask the damnfool questions like "Did you pack this suitcase yourself"? Did it not occur to the bod who dreampt this one up -  that if a person is a terrorist or drug smuggler, it is not beyond them to tell little fibs to these questions.


Historically airline bombers have not been suicide bombers, but persons who have inadvertently carried something given to them (often by a close relative) that contains the bomb.  Electrical goods has been a favourite, since even with X ray you expect to see wires and even batteries in such goods.


So that's why they ask the dumb questions.

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Its more to do with drugs than bombs and is standard question at all airports across the globe.  It is so that when that big bag of white baby powder that you never packed yourself shows up on the X ray you cannot claim it as not being there when you packed it, they seem to have stopped asking if you are carrying any bags for other people now though.
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[quote user="Ron Avery"]Still a darn sight cheaper than Airfrance, BEA

or BMI, of course if you don't like Ryanair conditions and charges, you

know what to do, don't use them and  go back to the ferry and the

10 hour drive[:D][/quote]

In my little fantasy world, I think what I would really like to happen

is for the ferry port at La Pallice / La Rochelle to be resurrected.

This would reduce my drive at this end to about 40 minutes and I could

spend 18 hours at sea instead, which would do my karma no end of good.

In fact, if I win €140 million or whatever on Euromillions tomorrow I

might just do this.

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