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Travelling alone in Paris is a bad idea?

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I must admit I have never been to France and it's rather my romantic

side that has been curious to see Paris, plus having friends who have

been telling me how they enjoyed it travelling there.

However, a friend told me that it would be a bad idea to travel there alone, bumping into so many couples around.

But this is the same best friend whom I love like a family yet we had a

fight when we travelled together in Canada, including Quebec.

So since then, I had been travelling alone, let's say in Frankfurt,

Munchen, Stockholm, London, and Glasgow for Europe, and I enjoyed it

heaps as I could do whatever I want, go whereever and whenever I want

and nowadays I could just enjoy simple things like having a stroll

looking at the old architecture in London, etc., going to the museums

and art galleries. I could even picture myself sitting at a coffeeshop

in Paris reading a book and having a stroll crossing the bridges like

the character Sabrina in the movie, Sabrina.

I'm a female in my late 20s and am alone and I suppose my best friend

guests that my romantic side would be saddened not being able to share

the good things I would enjoy in Paris with someone special whom I

don't have at the moment. But the thought of depending your happiness

or enjoyment to someone else is just not what I fancy either...

So for those who have been in Paris, what do you reckon?

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No problem at all with being in Paris on your own.   I have done it frequently, starting with when I was in my 20s, and I have always enjoyed myself.   There is a huge amount to do and you will thoroughly enjoy it.  I actually prefer travelling on my own for the reasons that you state and am sorry that I can't get to do so much of it now, except on business (other half would object if I started taking holidays by myself........) 
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Paris is always delightful whether alone, as a couple or in a large group.  You should find it very comfortable on your own. Obviously you should take the usual common sense precautions you would adopt in any city but as a seasoned traveller you clearly don't need reminding of that. Try and book a central hotel (1st or 6th arrondisment are good areas) so you can walk to everywhere.

Go and enjoy you won't be disappointed.

Don't forget there's much much more to France than Paris however . . .

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All good advice. If in Paris, be sure to visit the Musee d'Orsay. Wonderful building (a former station) & wonderful works of art, even for a Philistine like me.

Whilst over here, think about taking a TGV down to Lyon - 2 hrs max. Nice city, quite compact, with a pleasant old quarter which is cheek by jowl with the new. Relatively unknown to most Brits, because most of us have previously passed it by in the pele-mele dash to the deep South.  

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I love going to places alone. 

The only two times I have been to Paris I have been with other people and they drove me stark staring mad, because they wanted to 'move on' all the time, and sometimes the place where you are is so fantasic you just want to stay there.

I accept I drove them mad too, but that's beside the point.

One of the people who drove me to the very brink of madness was/is my very well beloved OH, so all the romance stuff didn't work for us there, as it has done on a day to day basis for many years.

You should be able to have a fantastic time alone in Paris, and I really hope you do. [:D]

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[quote user="Ian Horn"]

All good advice. If in Paris, be sure to visit the Musee d'Orsay. Wonderful building (a former station) & wonderful works of art, even for a Philistine like me.

Whilst over here, think about taking a TGV down to Lyon - 2 hrs max. Nice city, quite compact, with a pleasant old quarter which is cheek by jowl with the new. Relatively unknown to most Brits, because most of us have previously passed it by in the pele-mele dash to the deep South.  


But be warned, all the old buildings in Paris look the same and spoiled her holiday or so an American informed us when we were there in 2000. It may have changed since then of course.



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I have frequently been alone in Paris, and it has never bothered me. As someone's already said - the usual safety considerations about being in a foreign city.

I attended one conference where one of the other delegates was robbed at gunpoint coming out of a pizza place late evening - the police were extremely unhelpful and said what did he expect being a tourist! I've always eaten at the places where the french eat and have never experienced any problems at all. Actually I'd rather be alone in Paris than London any day!
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[quote user="hoverfrog"] Actually I'd rather be alone in Paris than London any day![/quote]


Got to agree with that [;-)]


Only ever had one almost dodgy moment in Paris... we were walking along a rather nice but empty boulevard and my wife had a rather expensive camera round her neck, a "youf" walking towards us pulled a knife out of his pocket as we approached !!  but he took one look at my face and hurriedly put it away and hurried off [:D] sometimes being a very big ugly bloke helps [;-)] LOL and as my wife points out to me my facial expressions give away what I am thinking very well, which in this case was " just try it sunshine and you'll regret it"


Now in London it just feels like one continuous dodgy moment and some guy that kept grabbing my arm asking for cigarettes didn't get the message until I actually offered physical violence [:-))]

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The day I most enjoy in Paris, is People's Sunday. The first Sunday of every month when entrance to the Louvre and many other museums and galleries are free.

OK, so there are queues but they move really quickly as there is no-one taking money and you can visit where you want in the morning, take lunch and then revisit your favourites in the afternoon, all for free! All of Paris seems to be out and about and it's great!

Forget Bank Holidays though. Many places are closed because everyone has left the city for the long weekend.
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I'm thinking seriously to go to Paris in December even though there

might be a risk I get depressed for a while watching the couples around

me, but bugger it! :D

Have you guys, the forum members here met in person on a rendezvous?

Cause if you guys are quite open-minded about meeting forum people in person, would be fancy to have one when I'm there :)

I have been having gatherings with the forum people in Japan and

Singapore and so far there has been nothing dodgy to scare me away to

go to these rendezvous.

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