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We are travelling down to 24 from Boulogne this year and would be grateful for any information about the A28.

Does it bypass Rouen, if not, is it easy to get back on to the A28?

Does it end at Tours?

If it does, what's the best way to get on to the A71; A10 - Blois - D765 - A85 - A71?

Was thinking of going down the A16 to Paris, turn onto the N184, then via Versailles to the A10.

Any info appreciated.



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I am not sure how far south it goes, as I stop off in Orne, problem is Rouen as it doesn't bypass it, there are signposts but it is a slow process, particularly if you are passing as the industrial estates throw out.

according to the Region magazine 5,000 to 6,000 vehicles a day use it in the section between Alencon and Rouen.

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Yes, it starts after Rouen and ends at Tours where it joins the A10. Never had a problem going round Rouen but we never use the route through all the industrial estates, preferring the other side of the river (initially singposted to Rouen airport, then Amfreville la Mivoie picking up the motorway just beyond the huge Centre Commercial at Tourville la Riviere) - usually quite fast and painless.

We used the A28 last week for the 3rd time - knocks an hour off our journey south. Funny thing, though: it's mostly 2-lane and at a couple of points narrows to 1 lane over a couple of viaducts. No traffic problems, but was dozing at one point when OH slammed on the brakes, having spotted what looked like 2 sheep strolling towards us in the slow lane. Up close, they turned out to be 2 small scottie-type dogs, happily wandering about the motorway with no visible signs of owners or anything else. Lucky we saw them and braked before the 40-foot container truck behind us!!! There was a farmhouse just over the nearest field, with a small access road out onto the motorway (unfenced!!) so the dogs were probably theirs although the chances of them living to enjoy a ripe old age may be limited if they continue to exercise on the A28.

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We're near Alençon and the new section of A28 between Rouen and here, which opened at the end of October last year, is a boon.  Cuts an hour off the journey time and so it's now under 4 hours from our place to Calais.  No Rouen bypass yet - still at the consultation stage.  The drive round Rouen is a pain but if you just accept it, go with the flow and don't try to rush it (you can't, anyway!) it's not that bad.  The route round the east side is more pleasant but it does still take a little longer, in our experience. 

As for the one-lane bridges, they're now planning to widen some of them - why didn't they do it in the first place?

There was a lot of radar activity this weekend because of the 24 hour bike race at Le Mans.  Good chance to fill the public coffers.


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Hi Bill

The A28 is superb & has reduced our journey from Calais to Apremont (Vendee) from 7 hrs to 5 1/2 hrs. Rouen is not a problem at all & I have found that the best route is to keep left after the tunnel & follow the signs to Le Mans. If you were to bear left as per the Sat Nav & Mappy printouts it takes you along the embankment which slows things down a bit. There are plenty of services open at the moment & the only fixed speed camara is by the two sections across a viaduct when it is single carridgeway. The road is excellent with next to no traffic on it. the omly problem is that you have to keep a check on your speed as it is very easy to exceed the limits without being aware, I looked down at one point & we were going 115MPH!.

Good road but watch the speed


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Did this journey on Good Friday, no problems.  Although the A28 stops just before Rouen, you follow the Le Havre signs around Rouen and pick up the A28 just the other side.  Brilliant road, not much traffic.  But beware, fill up before Rouen or at the petrol station just after, there is hardly a petrol station until Alencon, only the odd emergency pump at inflated prices.  If you need to spend a night there is an Etap just this side of Rouen. Don't try the Paris route, too frustrating and nowhere to stop for a pee if you hit a jam!
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I travel from Boulogne to Vierzon and find the A28 to Rouen the best and quickest way.I also turn off before Rouen to the airport (also signed Pont de l'Arche) ,I then pick up the N154 which is a fantastic road. It is autoroute standard to Dreux ,between Dreux and Chartres is mostly dual carriageway then a short hop after Chartres an you're back on the A10 .I do Boulogne to my house just west of Vierzon in under 5 hrs.

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Matt - Interesting route (and avatar!).  Not one that would be immediately obvious, but has the ENORMOUS merit of avoiding Paris and only about 15 mins longer than the route that Viamichelin recommends for Boulogne to Vierzon (which has 32 euros péage - how does that compare?) assuming your timing is by car and within the speed limits, rather than by helicopter.

We meet a lot of people travelling from the ports to points further south, The completion of the A28 from Rouen to Le Mans and Le Mans to Tours seems to have persuaded a lot of people to travel this route to the mid-south and south-west from the north, rather than take the horrid Paris options, which a lot of people did in previous years because of the gap in the autoroute system south of Rouen.  Which has been great for us!

More good news in the form of a new autoroute currently being constructed between Caen and Sées, if what I hear is correct.  At least it would explain the delays for roadworks around south of Caen at present!



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All within speed limits ,in fact a steady 70 on the motorway a lot of the time. The Tolls cost me 15.40 euros and although the route sites like michelin and Mappy say it is half hour longer than Paris ,it has nearly always been quicker because of the hold ups in Paris.Id be interested to see what the new tunnel at Versailles makes the Paris journey times when it opens.
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  • 3 months later...

Thanks for all the replies to my posting, concerning the A28.  We returned from 24 last weekend.

We followed Matt C,s directions Rouen, Dreux, Chartres, A71 and A20 outward.  We travelled through the night, so after Rouen we had frequent stops.  It took about 8.5 hours driving time.

On the return journey we travelled A20, A85, D765 to Blois, A10 and A28.  After approximately 30 minutes on the A20 we hit a traffic jam, the result of an earlier accident.  Took 3 hours to drive 100 miles.  The rest of journey was good, mostly clear roads, the A28 was quite, except for a small holdup at the peage at the top.  It did take longer to drive, the traffic jam being the problem, but the return was about 100 miles longer than outward.  Not sure if I would take that route to 24 again.

I have to say on a good day the Paris route is the better.



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