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can i get away with this ?

La Roche

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I agree with Ernie, this guy's a wind-up merchant.

So, if he's going to do this, which he now says he will not his anonymous mate, let's have his real name and address so that those of us who live here in France don't get caught by this guy if they do business with him and he decides not to pay the artisans when the whim takes him.  Would be interesting to see how soon he decides to avoid paying his debts in France, watch out you artisans, suppliers etc!

In his own small way, he'll be one of the people ensuring that interest rates on UK cards remain as high as they are - as the card providers say, one reason is that people welch on their repayments. And no, I don't have any UK cards so no interest in the interest rates.

And an interesting point for the LF owners/admin - how would they feel is one of their debtors came into the room and asked for advice, comments on avoiding the payment of the debt to them?  But they allow the guy to get advice on the rights and wrongs of  avoiding a debt on line, come on guys!

He's not being smart, just trying to avoid a lawful debt.

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[quote user="La Roche"]i do not intend to pay them in any shape or form , although i will keep the money set aside if there is a knock on the door . untill such times the money is staying in my account you can keep your morals and i will keep my money !![/quote]

Well lets hope no one in your new life fnds out because the first thing they will think is that you are a bad risk, you will also have the dubious pleasure of eyeing up every Tom, Dick, & Harry who comes to your door carrying a clipboard, wondering if they have caught you! Do the crime, do the time.....[:@]

(PS Don't forget to keep putting the interest by too !)

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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

This thread was dead and buried three weeks ago, so why has the original poster suddenly come back now and resurrected it - with the same question he asked before?

He claims that he worked in banking in the City for eleven years, so he should be familiar with the position regarding non payment of debts.....[8-)]




thats because i was trade floor support in a dealing room for a french bank in london so i would not know about legal issues related to the UK and domestic banking

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[quote user="Athene"]Well I sincerely hope he does not move in France anywhere near us![/quote] 


haha you make me laugh i have not killed any one or raped any one in FACT IT IS NOT EVEN A CRIME , i think you will find a lot worse closer to your door step as opposed to some one not paying a credit card bill . I dont even have a speeding ticket , think you guys are making me out to be a bad person here . I know of plenty of people that have run away with debts of over 300,000 pounds living in spain , they remain untouched up till now and these were very well to do people

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[quote user="La Roche"]...thats because i was trade floor support in a dealing room for a french bank in london so i would not know about legal issues related to the UK and domestic banking... [/quote]So, working in a bank dealing room, you didn't understand the consequences of not settling a trade?

What kind of support work were you doing - sweeping the floor?  refilling the coffee machine?

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Forget all other  issues its just down to the difference between right and wrong.  This guy I suggest does not even know what that means

However without oxygen this thread would not continue so should we all extinguish the oxygen and get on with our lives.

Dealing on the floor of a French bank was that as a French polisher?

They exist all over the world somewhat disjointed people.

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[quote user="Llwyncelyn"]

Forget all other  issues its just down to the difference between right and wrong.  This guy I suggest does not even know what that means

However without oxygen this thread would not continue so should we all extinguish the oxygen and get on with our lives.

Dealing on the floor of a French bank was that as a French polisher?

They exist all over the world somewhat disjointed people.



nope the support work i carried out was dealer board programmer and PABX and voice recording support so was never involved in the deals its self . why are there so many rude people in here ?? i think you must be in the north of france where the black clouds and rain hovers and you have nothing better to do !!! JUST AN UPDATE  for you wrongens my credit card insurance has kicked in and the intreast is getting paid thus leaving me and my credit card people happy for now and no crime commited . if you can not beat them join them , just like the 1000`s doing it already but have not spoke up in here . As for you guys in here with 2000 + postings was it your dream move to get stuck behind a PC in france and moan ??

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[quote user="Georgina"][quote user="Llwyncelyn"]

I approach this from the legal standpoint and it being my profession for too many years.  Your mind (its mens rea) tells you what is right or wrong.  Say in a shop you give £10  get change for £20 then you are aware of it then walk away.  Its theft plain and simple.  Theft Act .  [/quote]

But Llewellyn it is not theft unless the court can prove that you were aware of it, but  this is not the correct analogy.

Without blinding people with science, the OP is contemplating walking away from his debt, he wonders if he would get away with it in France - probably, it depends if they think it is easy to trace him.  He could walk away again if they did and many do ( I have seen it done many times in the UK).  If he went back to the UK (possibly) they would have obtained judgment against him and he would have to face it (probably).  This is not a morality question as the OP knows it is wrong.


And Llewelyn, to answer your question, yes you are from another plant!![:D][:D][:D]




at least some one knew what they were talking about instead of the piffile that come out of some of you on here , going forward if you dont have a clue what your talking about say nothing ......... even those more so from the vendee probally hiking in vouvant or close by!

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At the moment for a debt collection agency to come to France after the debt requires an EEO (European Enforcment Order) to obtain one the company needs to have served notice of a CCJ (County Court Judgment) on the debtor at his/her address in the UK, so no CCJ no EEO, but things are changing![;-)]



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>>>at least some one knew what they were talking about instead of the piffile that come out of some of you on here , going forward if you dont have a clue what your talking about say nothing ......... even those more so from the vendee probally hiking in vouvant or close by<<<

La Roche, I'm sorry but it is not much good complaining about the tone of posts on this matter, you are not coming from a position of strength.

The long and short of this is that your insurance will probably pay the interest of your debt for a set period, six months or a year possibly, and  then stop. You have posted your intention not to pay off this debt so the CC company will be short of the outstanding amount, (the amount you actually bought goods or services with) they will make good their loss by charging the likes of people posting here, more for their credit......do you think we all have MUG written on our foreheads? Why would anyone want to assist you in this knowing full well that your actions will increase charges for other, honest people?

Yes, you may get away with it, but there is a possibility that somewhere, sometime down the track, this will come back to haunt you one way or another. If that happens it might stop you doing something you really, really care about.

You know it's wrong, or you wouldn't have posed the question in the terms you did. You can hardly be surprised that other people agree.

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you are correct in what you are saying but some of the people on here are making out like a killed someone !!!! i have had direct emails from people on here saying they left the UK 5and 6 years ago with much larger debts and have not heard a thing . I am not saying it is right but i have not broke any laws AT ALL , if how ever one day i get a knock at a door then the money will be sitting there for me to settle the debt untill such times its staying in my bank account ..........
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How come you only use the shift key when you want to SHOUT and not when typing ordinarily?

 Do you realise that it is the height of bad manners to type like this?  It shows that you have no time or regard for the people who are trying to understand what you are asking, however from your replies that is evidently the case.

I really do not see any point in anyone else responding to you on any topic as from your other posts  you are akin to talking to a brick wall, what answer did you really expect to your question?

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I can't see much point with continuing with this topic, the OP is not going to change their mind and neither are the people that think its dishonest and immoral.

Unless anyone has a valid objection I think the thread may as well be locked.

(I'll leave it for a couple of hours, to give time for objections, then lock it)

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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

Nice to see you're proud of your score on what was only your second posting since joining this community.  Perhaps their interest was more to do with the reputation you've clearly established for yourself here...[8-)]




    Brilliant your right that was only my 2nd posting i made , if i draw such intreast i will get quicker answers !! only joking i am a nice person really just ask my mother LOL . if you dont ask you dont know do you and as i have read through so many postings on here i have found my answers without having to ask a question . But i had not come across a question such as mine so i thought i would raise the issue .......... I GOT MY ANSWERS  Pheeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww .

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