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aer arann - a warning!


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Travelled with this bunch to/from Luton-Lorient last weekend.

On the way back, we arrived at Lorient airport at 9pm Monday for the 10.20pm flight. At this point the AA flight to Kerry, due to leave at 5.25pm, still hadn't left as there was a technical fault and they were having to fetch an engineer from Dinard. This flight would then have to go to Kerry, pick up passengers for Lorient, fly back to Lorient and then take us to Luton.

There was no-one from Aer Arann on site, just two very harrassed Air France ladies (and a dog!) trying to cope with everything but with no information. We were variously told a) to wait b) to find a hotel c) a flight would leave the next day d) there would be no Luton flight til the next scheduled one on Wednesday. No one could get hold of anyone from Aer Arann til about 10.30pm. Emergency contact numbers were unanswered. Finally the Air France people got hold of someone from AA and I think bullied them into covering our taxi and hotel costs. Thanks to the AF people we were put in a very nice Best Western hotel at about 11pm.

God knows what time the Kerry contingent left. Someone had a fiddle and they were singing "Irish Rover" and "Wild Mountain Thyme" when we left. It was like steerage on the Titanic!

We flew home at 6pm the following day.

The thing is that Aer Arann had our mobile numbers. They must have known quite early on (mid-afternoon latest) that no way was a flight leaving for Luton that day so why on earth didn't they send a blanket text to everyone to tell them to stay put and come the next day, thus saving themselves a lot of hotel bills and giving people time to make alternative arrangements or stay where they were? Any why didn't they have someone on site to deal with the problem or at least liaise with the Air France team?

Further to the horror story of the chap taking 3 days to get home from Angers and my own experience, I for one will never be flying Aer Arann again!
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Meant in the most affectionate way (vaguely thinking of the scenes in the movie) - it was the one thing that made me smile and for that I was extremely grateful!

Plus an element of wry metaphor - Aer Arann = Titanic; Luton passengers got lifeboat; Kerry passengers left aboard sinking ship!
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