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Jurisdiction of credit card companies in France

Alan D

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There is such a thing as defamation of character......if you start giving hints which could identify the people then we would have no choice but to delete the post, so posting about their car, their physical description, the make up of their family etc would all cause problems......

Sorry - I think you'll have to rethink

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Defamation in this case has a justification.

OK, step at a time. You lawyers out there please join in.

What type of rogues are we talking about. Credit card crooks, dodgy builders. RH may remember a while ago that a builder was named and shamed , then we used initials.

But names are not essential. Let's say: Band B's beware of elderly well dressed woman posing as an American tourist who books by internet using a credit card which appears to be invalid. Operating in the Brittany area. 

This would pass muster. If people then chose to pass on details through their own internet then that is their business.

If we added : thought to be driving sky blue Mercedes.

we are still ok I think.

So far so good?

dansarf, trying to pay in France with a zero balance on a card is an offence I think. But presumably the BandB owner would have checked this with you.

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As a B&B owner there are two points. We don't use French credit/debit card machines because even PayPal is cheaper these days so the problem of dodgy cards are dealt with by them. We know straight away if there is an issue and the booking is never confirmed until the deposit has cleared. On site we take French cheques, Euro Traveller cheques or cash, we do not take credit/debit cards and this is made very clear early on in dealing with the client and has never been an issue nor has it ever effected our business. We don't even bother with bank transfers now because PayPal is cheaper, quicker and no longer requires you to be a member to pay a bill.

The second point about dodgy people going around (in relation to B&B's, Gites or CDH ) is that if you are a member of a recognised agency such as Gite de France or Clevacances they will notify you of 'dodgy' people. There are also one or two specialised forums for B&B and Gite owners (in French admittedly) that also contain information on people committing fraud. I have to say that in 5 years we have never had a problem (touch wood).

The only people I think that would benefit from such an idea as has been suggested are those that are not registered with a recognised body. When many believe it is advantageous to be a member of one of these bodies then the fact that by joining they would receive notification of 'dodgy' clients acts as an incentive to join.

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I think adding the bit about the car would tip the plan over the edge, in practice I doubt that many members would appreciate the niceties of the law and most posts would contravene the Code of Conduct and have to be deleted. Apart from anything else if you have been a victim of a scam or shoddy service its natural to be a bit OTT or rant (today is a good day for me to think about this as I have been trying to extract some customer service from a company that do not want to give any, all morning !)

Yes, I do remember the builder but I think he was a member here at one time which really identified him, I doubt if we would be able to let the references to him stand now (if the same events were to take place) The internet and peoples awareness of the law regarding defamation, libel etc have moved on.

It's a worthy idea but unfortunately I  have real doubts as to its practicality.


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Spot on Tony.

I don't see anything wrong with somebody setting up a website where people can advertise their services with a forum attached to it so that people can leave comments about how good or how bad a company that advertises there really is/are. Perhaps some enterprising person might consider it.

The issue with naming and shaming on this forum is that it is a commercial forum which is very closely linked to publications where people/companies advertise (and pay good money to do so) and therefore allowing naming and shaming could have an effect on the advertising revenue. In the past people have written about their experiences with certain companies and have not mentioned their name but said at the bottom of their post that if anyone wanted to know who the said company or individual is then to contact them via PM. This has always worked very well in the past and it is the preferred method of doing things on this forum.

With builders, as it has been said many times here before, ensure you check out their credentials (registration number and insurance) and get a signed Devis before you hand over any money. If you don't and you get ripped off as hard as it sounds it really is your own fault. I think the attitude of 'if you wouldn't do it back in the UK then why do it here' which is what I have heard many times applies.

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Then this may be the time for the mods to approach the owners and see how they would feel about this as a service to members and provided that posts went through the mods' hands first. I am sure that there are as many people as ever who are being scammed and that it is not beyond our joint wits to find a set of rules which are easy to follow.

Quillan is right about the absolute need to protect Archant publications and associates. But the idea of public service may also appeal to them. 

What about it mods? You are  clearly interested in the idea.

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We have asked for guidance and to see if there is any latitude. The answer is quite short I am afraid, the current Code of Conduct stands and there is no plan in the immediate or distant future of it being changed. So the 'no naming and shaming' rule stays and will not be discussed further. As moderators I am afraid we have no control over these rules, we only try and ensure they are kept to.

As I suggested perhaps somebody might consider setting up a website for people to advertise on and users to pass comment on the quality of service given. If you think about it then you might consider it to be a better way of doing things because it would be consumer driven, totally independent and could not be biased in any way by big publishing houses like Archant (for example). I personally think this would be a really good way of doing it and something I would consider using. It also leaves the door open to expansion to other countries such as Spain. It could be a nice little earner for somebody.

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