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Jurisdiction of credit card companies in France

Alan D

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Another dodgy individual dragging down the reputation of those that follow the rules.  God help us.  Bets that next question will be whether he can keep his car , without MOT and Tax, on UK plates followed by how he can claim benefits off the french system.
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Should we worry about these individuals? There are enough locals running round without the right papers, controle technique, pi ss ed as astronauts. And they will eventually get picked up.

Why reply to these posts? Maybe they are windups which should be exterminated with the sound and fury of an avenging mod. Not sure though.

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Hmmm. I am glad we pre-authorise cards before people stay with us. We have been caught out by Brits with 'bad' cards, usually debit cards with a zero balance used to 'confirm' a reservation. Not anymore though, we run the card through prior to arrival and if declined then the reservation is cancelled. I hope people like Alan and the other person who posted a similar message don't gain access to credit when here.
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Of course you protect yourself but should we even reply to the person who started the thread?  What can we say other than 'pay your debts, person from the lower world?'  Unless we are able to do a bit of naming and shaming like in the good old days. I remember when we chased He Who Must Not Be Named across France and even into Britain. But his successors are around I am told. Drawing attention to them seems no longer to be possible.

Perhaps we might have a thread called  BEWARE SCAMMERS AT WORK in which we could name and shame the Bent Blighters from Be***** who rip off the straight souls here.

Bet the Mods say no.

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[quote user="woolybanana ex tag"]Perhaps we might have a thread called  BEWARE SCAMMERS AT WORK in which we could name and shame the Bent Blighters from Be***** who rip off the straight souls here. Bet the Mods say no.[/quote]

The mods would have no choice in the matter, as the CoC specifically states that
"There is to be no 'naming

and shaming' on the site. If you have any complaints about particular

individuals/companies then contact the relevant parties or authorities.

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Are there any ways in which users might be warned of shameful practices at the time they happen, especially as these things often go in spates? I don't just mean the phoney e-mails. For example, warning people in say the Dardoon  that there is a group of people offering to do tarmacking who take the money and run? Or that guest houses in the Canteloupe mountains need to watch for a couple using a false credit card? Not sure if this is relevant or could be made to work. It would also be possible of course to back this with an informal email network. Has to be a way of doing this without breaking any rules or laws.
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Would we need clearance from the powers that be do you reckon anyone? Would readers be interested in setting up something like this?

Of course, certain ground rules: no naming, no descriptions that might be too obvious, racist, whatever.  We could use the regional threads to do it.

Just a description of the scam, maybe the nationality(?), date and area. That seems legal to me.

Any comments svp.

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But there it is factual whereas telling everyone that Pearley Spencer is going round knicking garden gnomes aint been proved. So all we could say is bloke in VW camper calls at door asking for directions whilst his partner slips past and pinches said gnomes. That the partner seems to have hands touching the ground, long red hair and grunt may be ancilliary info. But that your camper is marked Pearly Spencer Piches Gnomes and Fixes Roofs is not something we could say as you heve not been caught as far as we know. So we have to be careful.
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These are hypoooothetical points. If we build a lot of communication links based on the site then everyone could pass the word to a couple of people who would be warned. And we wont break any rules so long as we dont name and shame. But as emails are confidential,.... no, nobody would break the rules. We would insist on that.

Lets say that Mr. X who runs a BandB in Brittany gets an attempt to screw him by a false credit card from Mr. Zanadu, then he posts without name in the Brittany section. Everybody knows to watch out. But we could use our persoanl e mails to tell others also, even adding a few more details if we wish, such as well..., whatever.

It is like a service to the community. It worked before only it went too far. I think the mods should set it up properly. Then they could moderate it ... properly.

A sort of scams section. What about it?

Now about this Irish gnome who has been swiping VW campervans and filling them with goats......... I cant say his name but it rhymes with surly[6]

Cobb****, some Irish goat just nicked me gnome and eat me credit card. But his arms touched the ground and he called me Mildred.

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...I booked a B&B as mentioned earlier and left my debit card number which, say, by mistake, happened to have a zero balance that day. Said B&B owner then decides this is a scam (or I am a crook) and then emails around my details on the forum or via the forum as a PM. Said B & B owner might start off with "this may be nothing, but" although after a few others have added/edited their details, I am pilloried as a total n'er do well. If I found out, I would have no hesitation in sueing every sender, forwarder and publisher of such libel (well I might hesitate actually, but that's just me).

If such comments are raised on the forum, then the Mods can decide what may be illegal or what may not. In PM form or email, there is no such fallback and although the 'scam warning' idea is essentially sound, it would soon become the place for people to get sued or malliciously post warnings, for whatever barmy reason.

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