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A28 Viaducts


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Kathy and zeb - I have the same phobia, plus a compulsion to drive over the edge! I get the feeling I could fly - so no-one will let me drive them if we go anywhere near a viaduct or long bridge. We used to live near the Humber Bridge and I never managed to drive over that. On the other hand I would love to be driven across the Millau viaduct as it looks so beautiful. Pat.

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"has anyone been over the whacking big one down at Millau? "

I went over this one in May and it is absolutely wonderful.

I don't have a problem driving over bridges, but I think those of you who do would be pleasantly surprised by how enclosed and safe you feel.

Far more worrying was the man standing on top of his car, which was facing the wrong way in the outside lane, while waving his jacket at the oncoming traffic.

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My husband has the same fear.  I do the driving from Boulogne to after Tankerville or Pont de Normandie or we would be changing places every few minutes.

The viaduct is straight after leaving Boulogne and it is very curvy and shiny but you can't see anything because the sides - going from Boulogne - have slatted barriers.  Everything else after that is smaller.

I must admit to having damp hands when crossing Pont de Normandie the first few times.  Actually, it is the other just after/before called Pont de Nord I think.  I don't like the curve!

Me?  I don't like driving up or down steep hills.  All those years living in the Vale of York has a lot to answer for.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Some pics of the two viaducts on the A28 to help you make up your own mind

viaduc du Bec


viaduc de la Risle



Sorry - you'll have to cut and paste the links as this forum does not support IE properly yet.

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Frankly, I don't think these photos would encourage anyone to try to cross unless they had a rocket-propelled car or were in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!


viaduc de la Risle



No further comment! [:D]

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Thanks to everyone who's taken the trouble to reply to my feeble queries and best wishes to those who share my problem. Particular thanks for the really scary photos; I assume that the reality will be so much easier than the photos that I will be pleasantly surprised! We're off later today and will let you know how I get on with these  when I come back. If anyone's on the A28 tomorrow and sees a British Subaru estate, driven by a white faced, middle aged woman, going at 30mph over a viaduct, toot; it'll be me!
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KathyC asked: "I assume that the reality will be so much easier than the photos"

To be honest, very difficult to say unless one in personally not happy with heights. I do not have the problem so it is difficult for me to comment on how difficult others will find it.

Have a good visit.

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