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Complete France Forum

Social Security Number


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Just found this site and it is all new to me so I am sorry if I have posted in the wrong place.

My wife and I recently registered a business as we have just made the move permenantly over to France. We registered throgh the CCI and havehad our siret numbers etc through the post. We were advised at the CCi that we would now have to start paying social charges which we are more than happy to do.

We received a letter yesterday from RSI advising us that they were not yet able to process our details etc until we could supply them with our Social Security Number.

As far as we know, we do not have one of these yet as we have not worked in France or been registered in the system until we have just registered this business, we believed that the Social Security number/Carte Vitalle etc would all come through to us now we had registered the business.

Is there anyone we should have registered with in france to get this? Or is it as we thought and it is just a case of waiting for the document to come through and that the form from RSI has come through quicker than some other docs?

We did ask the Marie if there was any sort of forms etc we needed to complete but he also said it should all happen automatically.

Any advice would be appreciated.  

Many Thanks


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Your SS number will be issued by CPAM, in the fullness of time....

Tell RSI (bearing in mind that they are handlers for several organisations - URSSAF, Organics & several mutuelles) - they will understand. If it becomes a problem, go to CPAM & they will give you an attestation that will satisfy RSI.


BTW, your SS number is quite easy to work out;

It is in the format s yy mm dd ccc xxx mm

S = 1 male 2 female, yy=the last 2 digits of your birth year, mm=your birth month, dd=your department of birth (99 for most of us), ccc=the COG number of your commune of birth (can't recall what they do for foreigners), xxx=a series number, starting at 999 and counting down, to distinguish you from others born of the same date and mm is a modulo "checksum", (modulo97 ?)

Fascinating stuff eh?


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