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Strong gale forecast.


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[quote user="Susie24"]Were any of the forum members on the plane taking off for Paris that was on the news? Looked a bit scary taking off sideways!

Yes, saw it, but happily down here in the quiet south.  

It's not the taking off that would worry me - it's the landing.  The latter is always a 'controlled crash' and high winds make it decidedly hairy for us customers.  I'll bet that the pilots quite enjoy it - up to a point.

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A GOOD landing is one you can walk away from.  A GREAT landing is one where you can use the 'plane again.

Germany seems to have caught it even worse, they closed down the whole of the rail network - never happened before.  2 trees down on my way home last night but the Luxembourg state workers (bless 'em) had been out and cut/moved them out of the road, except for one huge root end of a tree which will need heavy gear so they put lots of lights and barriers around it. 

Flights cancelled from Lux airport and Ryanair from Frankfurt-Hahn.  Hope they sort themselves out as I due to fly back to Blighty this afternoon but I'd rather not fly and be safe than end up like all those poor people that have lost their lives.


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I flew back to France from Stansted yesterday, it was a small miracle that I even made it to the airport, as the train I was supposed to catch was cancelled, and the service reduced to one train per hour. Luckily the previous train was running at such reduced speed, that it arrived late enough to find me waiting for it.

The flight I was due to catch was delayed, and when the incoming flight finally touched down they were unable to disembark the passengers due to the high winds.  We sat and watched as the aircraft rocked from side to side on the tarmac.  The plane was eventually towed to a more sheltered area of the airport to allow the passengers to disembark.  Three flights were cancelled as the incoming planes were unable to land.  My flight eventually boarded, but the wind had damaged the steps at the front of the plane, and the crew were unable to fully retract them.  An engineer arrived and fixed the problem in around 30 minutes, and then we were off.

The take-off was a real white-knuckle experience, and the turbulence during the first few minutes horrendous. There are times when a window seat is not to be recommended, the ability to watch terra firma and the horizon pitching in and out of view really did nothing to add to my enjoyment of the flight [+o(]


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