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How was the shuttle over Christmas?


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I am a frequent traveller, caught up in the chaos at half term - arrived 11pm and travelled at 4.30 am (next shuttle). Similar experience at the beginning of the summer holidays. I am very wary of using my tickets now as I can only go at those times and need reliability. If you used the tunnel, was it better over Christmas?  Did the booths work, and were there enough shuttles on?


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For me it was fine.  I went FR to GB on the morning of 20th Dec and returned afternoon of 28th Dec.  Off peak I know but even so there was only one train an hour running.  In previous years at this time I've seen 3 or 4 trains an hour and all pretty well used.  This level of usage cannot be sustainable surely?

No queues at the booths, all the auto booths were open although I would hardly call them 'touch' screens, more like 'thump' screens before anything would register.  Overall I'm glad I live on the side of the water that does not require me to take a shuttle to get to France


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Hi Lyza,

We too are frequent traveller ticket holders - no problems at all so far!!

We used the shuttle on the 23rd and 27th December - no problems.  Our only delay was in the pet check-in because of the queue of people waiting to take dogs/cats etc over to England for Christmas, however, that was only about a fifteen minute delay.  Coming back we were booked on the 17:06 and managed to get the 16:36.  Touch screens on GB side very dodgy, however French side must be new, worked like a dream.  Our son came over at new year and had no delays, got earlier trains both ways.


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Hi there

Went out on 15th December & returned 30th December.   No delays and more auto lanes for self check in open than in the summer.


Really agree with above comment about thump screens rather than touch!   Who designed those!


Only drawback was the idiot on way out with a 15 year old renault that decided to deposit part contents of petrol tank in carriage.     Livened up an otherwise boring crossing and loads of flashing lights and sybols I have never seen before!    Had to evacuate carriage etc. so at least journey appeared to be faster!


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Contrary to others on this site, I did have some problems over Christmas.  Going out on 22nd December all was fine except touch screens were very flaky and required several sharp raps to work (with encouragement from a Eurotunnel representative).  I returned on 31st December to find that only a third of the lanes were open and none of the touch screens were in operation, with all crossing letters being written by hand in the booth!  On asking for an earlier crossing I was told it was full - on driving through after our letter was called, I was loaded onto a quarter full earlier shuttle!  Work that out.
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We travelled out on Boxing Day, back on 4 Jan, with no problems at all. Waved through passport control with no checks on the way out (Folkestone side) despite dire warnings in the previous Sunday's Observer that the Tunnel was on high alert as a terrorist target! Usual 'swabbing' on the way back but no delays. Pyewacket got seen straight away at Pet Control, too.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, we went via Brittany Ferries at a major increase in cost because we needed a good journey on Friday night for half term. Had a lousy journey because of road works on the A34. Would we have been better taking our chances once again on the shuttle? How was it on Friday night 9th Feb?


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I am pleased to see that Eurotunnel have recognised that there were problems with checking in at the booths and improvements have been made. They are now emailng customers with booking the simplified process so hopefully it will speed up the check in.

For a faster check in all you need is the payment card used to make the booking.

  • On arrival, look for this symbol to proceed to a Self Check-In lane.

  • Stop at the Self Check-In kiosk situated just before the booth.

  • Simply touch the screen to select your preferred language before inserting the card used for payment. Your card will not be debited. There's no need to type in the booking reference unless you did not make payment by card.

  • If space is available on an earlier shuttle, you will be able to choose your preferred departure.

  • Once the transaction is complete, your departure hanger is printed.

  • Don't forget to display the hanger on your rear view mirror


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Cannot say how shuttle ran Friday 9th Feb but travelled over midday Sat 10th and was best journey we have done so far (in around 50). Was told it had been busy earlier, as it was manual check-in for some reason.

Suspect that some trains are being amalgamated after crossings being either early/late a few times in last 12 months instead of at booked times and never being offered an earlier crossing. This time return we arrived 1 hour before, not offered earlier train and arrived in terminal building to find our crossing marked as final call. Rushed up to board and still left at designated time half full. Still as long as no long delay I am happy with service given. Think you have to be over an hour early now to be offered earlier crossing these days.

Agree that screens have to be thumped - staff member told me to treat it like I did a man - give it a good thump to make it work. Made me laugh anyway!

Find traffic in UK a problem with almost every journey at one point at another. Return journey was great until 12 miles from home (Northwich, Cheshire), which took 40mins!


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We were booked onto the 1020 ex Folkstone on Friday 9th Feb. Got there at 0920, all OK. When called went to loading area. Waited. lots of cars moved, then stoped. Alittle later an announcement, "due to an unexpected reduction in capacity, the rest of us would have to wait for the next train". We were called for the 10.42 which we boarded, and waited. Eventually an announcement, "due to a technical problem, delayed". Waited, and saw the 1050 train leave. Eventually left at just after 11.00.

What an "unexpected reduction in capacity" means I will never know, possibly they lost half the train in the tunnel somewhere?

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Think the bottom line here is to travel when you want to, and take your chances.  I occassionally use the M6 through Birmingham. If i try to second guess the traffic i will invariably end up in a jam, yet when i have the 'sod it i dont cares' about me, i often just sail through.  I have used the tunnel on many occassions when i have assumed it would be busy, and it hasn't... just go, relax and enjoy.
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