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travel insurance


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I remember reading a thread a while ago and someone recommended a company that would insure two people for £74 and I remember going on the site. I have been trying half the morning to find it again to no avail and I am sure the company was "travel.....something. Can anyone help as I need to sort some insurance out quite quickly so would be eternally grateful if anyone can find this thread.
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Last time I did a trip to France I used insureandgo.com- not sure if we can post links here or not.  They were very reasonable for two adults and one youth.  Found them the cheapest and they had got an landline number if you needed to contact them.

Is this the one you're after?

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    Insure and Go suck. Try Moneysupermarket.com if you can sort it from France.

Insured my lad to go to NewZealand which through various reasons fell through so I thought I would try and amend the Policy (Alternative Country and dates) like you can with most. Does'nt say you can't in the Policy Book.

Did'nt want to know. Wont answer letters or reply to phone calls. It's not as though the policy had even got close to starting. Checked out the Money site and got what I wanted for half the price (well I will have when I book it, if Insure and Go don't get their act together).

It's all with the Financial Ombudsman now.


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Thanks you very much for all your replies. I will give them all a go and see what I can find  It was bad enough yesterday trying to get flights on line and after three hours of being told seats available only to find after trying to book them to be told all sold. or flights changed We nanaged to get flights but not on the dates we really wanted but at least it is booked now.
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Be very, very careful about selecting travel insurance based mainly on price, as a lot of the cheaper travel insurance policies have so many exclusions as to be worthless. Such as not including medical repatriation.

This is very much an area of buyer beware and those who read the financial press will know travel insurance is an area the insurance industry is under increasing pressure to get it's house in order.

The most valuable element of travel insurance is for medical related claims and some insurers will use every trick in the book to refuse a claim, usually by stating that some unconnected visit to the doctor years before should have been disclosed.

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Yes, I agree you with you as we are finding out. My husband has an ongoing medical condition and that is becoming the major problem as obviously we want insurance that will cover any events connected with that condition. We had a company in the UK but they would not carry the insurance to France hense desperately trying to find a reliable company. It is not a life threatening condition and he has had all the relevant checks here in France to clarify what the UK found, in fact they were far more thorough here. His medication was adjuted and that was that.
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Just to let everyone who was kind enough to reply to my thread that we have now sorted out insurance. We disclosed my husbands condition and he has been given additional cover  covering this as well as the insurance for us both. Obviously this was by paying quite a bit more for the cover but at least we now know we are covered for any eventuality. Thank you all for your advise and suggestions.
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