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Ryanair Rodez-Stansted - no winter schedule?


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I've just tried to check availability of flights in November/December from Rodez and there are none listed. Other destinations (eg Carcassonne) have flights.

I know there was a rumour that Ryanair was going to stop winter flights out of Rodez but has anyone seen confirmation. It is not one of the destinations listed in the lastest news release (19/07/07) so I thought we were safe!

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"I've just tried to check availability of flights in November/December from Rodez and there are none listed. Other destinations (eg Carcassonne) have flights."

So worryingly has Limoges after October 30

There was an article in the Depeche Midi about Ryanair stopping flights October - March,  Clair posted about it and I read it, it was a rumour coming from the prefecture at Rodez, however there was no comment from Ryanair other than to say that they were happy with the loadings from Rodez despite there being 5000 less passengers in winter 2005/6 than the previous yea but this was hardly surprising as they had three flights a week that year as opposed to the 2 flights most weeks in winter 2006/7.

It could be that they are undecided about the frequency to use in the winter months, let's hope so.

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I couldn't bear the suspense so I rang Ryanair direct.

They confirmed that there will be no winter service to Rodez this year - the last flight will be 27 October.

They were unable to give any information about next summer.

If anyone else wants to ring to check their routes I rang Ryanair on 0871 246 0000 (don't press any buttons - just wait and after the message you'll get an operator very quickly)

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I see Rodez has now been removed from the list of destinations included in their special winter offer. Shame. Looks like I'll have to investigate Jet2 via Toulouse - at least they fly further north so I won't have the awful M11 to contend with. Every cloud etc etc!


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Don't really want Manchester - want East Yorkshire, so it looks like its Carcassonne-East Midlands for this winter at least. Its further to Carcassonne but I can still avoid the M11 at the other end - which can only be a good thing.

I keep hoping for Rodez-Robin Hood (Doncaster) to open up - but I'm not holding my breath!


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