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Ryanair Stansted-Poitiers flights now only operating March-October.

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I'm getting worried. That must be a first.... Ryanair actually being open about a service reduction!

In the past they usually trumpeted new routes and cessations just disappeared.

What next? Openness about  the total cost of all the little extras????

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This is such a strange decision  for even Mr O'Leary to make. The flights are constantly full, whatever time of year. I think there must be a less obvious reason for him amending this timetable, I'm guessing maybe something to do with subsidies and Poitiers airport itself? 

In fact, if you go into the Ryanair website, it seems to be possible to book for the months when the service is allegedly being stopped. Bizarre.   Are they intending to take people's money and go to all the trouble of refunding ?   Has anyone actually made a booking November- March?


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Given the way they usually operate, I suspect that the seasonal announcement was of a reduced service rather than a winter close down.

They seem to be offering a bit of a mish-mash some very early flights , some afternoon on a few days of the week during the winter.

I suppose something is better than nothing.




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Unhappily, it would seem that this may not be the only service suspension over the cold months:


Ryanair's own site gives no clues as to which destinations are likely to be cut. In fact, they seemingly make no note of the changes at all in the context of their fight with BAA. It might be there somewhere - my brain tends to swim a bit after too long wading through the Soviet-style propaganda that constitutes their "News" page.

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Mr O'L was on BBC Breakfast yesterday morning explaining that as BAA are increasing landing charges at Stansted by almost 100%, it will be cheaper for RA to keep some of its planes on the ground.  He was also complaining about the security fiasco at Stansted and the delays caused to passengers and flights - having seen this for myself on several occassions this year I can sympathise with his point of view as one now has to allow at least an hour to get through security there.  Let's just hope he wins his battle with BAA (and the UK government start to show Ryanair some respect) and normal service can be resumed as soon as possible.

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BAA needs to get back to it's primary function, which is running airports - not shopping malls.

I passed through Stansted one evening earlier this year returning at the ryanair terminal. Arrivals are taken a tortuous route that involves going up a level, only to descend again, both by escalator. One of the up esacalators had failed and rather than use it as a set of stairs, it was closed off and we were sent up a narrow alternative.

It took 75 minutes from leaving the plane to joining the back of the queues for passport checks - another scandal. That area also hasn't grown in line with the volume of passengers travelling through the airport.

And all in the name of health and safety and/or security.





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"It took 75 minutes from leaving the plane to joining the back of the queues for passport checks"[:-))]

Did you put your watch forward on the way? There is no way it takes over an hour to get to ( not through) Passport control from any arrival gate at Stansted , Ryanair do not have a terminal as such, although the French flights do tend to use gates 40 to 60.  At 4mph you would have walked  5 miles in 75 minutes so you must walk very slowly or have done a lap of the airport perimeter. 

You have a point about it being a bit of a hike, try Palma or Amsterdam if you think it is long or round the houses, but although it is a big airport , it is no longer than 25 minutes at worst from any gate and I have only taken that long accompanyng a wheelchair passenger. 

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