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Lille station


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Does anyone know what is involved in the change of train from the Eurostar to TGV at Lille?

We have elderly friends who'd like to visit us in the spring but don't fly. They'd like to try the train but I'm worried in case they'd need to change platforms at Lille and if there aren't any lifts, they'd never manage stairs with suitcases.

Also, are there lifts at Poitiers from the platforms to the main lobby?


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I am positive that in the past there through trains from Poitiers to Lille Europe but the attached link gives either changes of station usingthe metro or RER in Paris or changing trains at Charles De Gaulle Airport ( boith easier and quicker) . Also there are trains to Lille Faunders which is about half a mile away so be careful.

From memory Lille Europe has very gently sloping escalators



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[quote user="Bastet"]

Does anyone know what is involved in the change of train from the Eurostar to TGV at Lille?

We have elderly friends who'd like to visit us in the spring but don't fly. They'd like to try the train but I'm worried in case they'd need to change platforms at Lille and if there aren't any lifts, they'd never manage stairs with suitcases.

Also, are there lifts at Poitiers from the platforms to the main lobby?



Lille is fine - escalators or lifts, up and down, done it many times.  Can be difficult to see the blue signs, but follow the throng.  You go up from Eurostar to the the main concourse, find the platform number and do a reverse (ie lifts/ escalators) down to the corrrect platform.  Probably the Bordeaux train (which sometimes goes onwards to Toulouse).  Lille Europe is a new station (and as I have said before on this forum, I would NEVER change in Paris with a reuired change of station as well, but always at Lille.

However, sorry, cannot help with Poitiers as I have never used that station (only gone through it on the train).  However, I wouldn't be at all surprised that (a) either someone will help or (b) staff will assist.  I arrived at Narbonne in August encumbered with only a small suitcase, but a walking stick (don't pull your achilles tendon - it is not a good idea!), hubby as ususal waiting on the outside of the station.  But a very nice man helped me up the stairs with my case.  I have also had staff help me with a large suitcase before now.

The timetables often try to reroute you via Paris or (as I see someone said) CdG, but unless they have changed the route since I used it last May (they are re-timed becuse of the quicker Eurostar I see for Chrismas but not that I am aware changed).  Resist this - you certainly will have fewer trains to choose from via Lille, but the mere simplicity of the change makes that an easy compromise.

You do not say where they will be travelling from, but for example, the 8.50am (ish) Eursotar from St Pancras is timed to get in 30 mins before my (Perpignan) train leaves and the Bordeaux / Toulouse trains usually departs about the same time as the Perpignan one, so they do fix it to work out, even though they will never say that.  However, if they are going to Poitiers they may have a choice of trains which I going the further distance do not.

I would say they would enjoy the train - I do, and don't fly now (as I have again said on this forum!).

Hope that  helps
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Thanks all. This looks hopeful.

I think they'd definitely prefer to change platforms at Lille rather than stations in Paris and they'd probably pick up the train from Ashford. They're experience travellers but just aren't as strong/quick as they used to be - but then who is..!? 

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