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Using Credit Cards at 24hr petrol stations in France.


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I know this topic has been covered before on this and other forums.

I have tried using several different British credit cards at different filling stations in France over the years and none of them have worked.This seems to bear out what I've read on different forums and indeed I have seen signs at some of the stations stating that British CC will not be accepted .

However I have spoken to several people over the years who swear that they have used their British CC at these stations and they have worked.

The last one was this July at L'Eclerc , Montayral (47) using a RBS CC.

Can anyone throw any light on this , to me , irritating problem.

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It's about old and new technologies.  The French were among the first to introduce chip and pin and in a lot of cases, therefore, it has been installed for years.  New chip and pin technologies (such as those used in the UK) have since overtaken that used here, which is why UK cards often don't work here.  However, as machines get replaced in France, they are capable of reading UK cards, thus more and more are becoming available.  It's pot luck really.  For instance, all our InterMarche's round here have had new card readers installed and suddenly, presto, all the UK cards work!

If all else fails, give cash to a local using a pump, and normally they are perfectly happy to use their debit cards to put fuel in for you (it's worked for me, anyway!)

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Thanks for that , but still a little confused in that a new L'Eclerc petrol only station has opened in the last 12 months on the N154 between Chartres and the A10 and that had the notice posted by the pumps.

Still I can always take your advice and "tap up" a local. Knowing me I'll probably get arrested!!

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At a couple of l'Eclerc's I have been to there are sometimes just one pump that will take english C/Cs , but we have given up looking now and have got a french C/c to use just for this purpose, but since getting it havnt yet had to use it as we have found more and times we can use our other card.[blink] But its there just in case.    
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I have noticed some L'Eclerc's put up signs "International Cards Accepted" (or words to that effect) after they have "upgraded".  I don't tend to use their fuel stations so I've only noticed this in their stores (i.e. not there one week, the signs appear the next week).

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