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Do we need an interpreter at the signing of the acte de vente?


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Unless you have someone you can really trust to act as attorney - and to ask any relevant questions - it would be much better to attend in person with a French speaker, acting for you, who has experience of property contracts. Then you can make use of an important function of the notaire - to answer you questions as purchaser and make sure that you are getting exactly what you are paying for. (Hopefully you obtained appropriate advice before signing the initial contract but you still need to be sure that the final document is correct and as you were led to expect.) 

Although most transactions are trouble-free and correctly handled, forums like this include plenty of postings by people who have not understood the documents they have signed and have relied on the system protecting them. It does, up to a point, but it's always better not to find yourself in a postion where you have to try to get something put right after the event, especially when dealing with an unfamiliar foreign system of law.

If unable to attend as suggested above, make sure that your attorney is up to the job and only interested in representing your interests.

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Jinty - I agree with Alan that if you possibly can, attend the Acte de Vente meeting in person. Another reason for this is that you should arrange to inspect the house you're buying just before the meeting. You never know what the vendor has been up to since you last saw the place. Then any issues can be sorted at the Notaire's.
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Alan & Pat, many thanks for your advice & concern, unfortunately, due to work commitments it is impossible to attend the final signing, much as we would both love to.

The Notaire does have an excellent reputation, and the estate agent is also excellent and has become a good friend. She does keep us right as she is English but with excellent French as she has stayed in France for over 30 years.

 She is also a near neighbour of the vendor, we have met him and he really is a lovely man, we have no worries about the buying process. The only thing concerning us was the letter from the Notaire suddenly springing the change of date & the translation.

Ah well, will just have to wait & see.


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