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inform who when a couple separates?


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I've tried searching, but couldn't find anything although I'm sure this has been asked before :(

Who do I have to inform that we have separated, and does it have to be (a) in writing or (b) on a particular form?

I went to URSSAFF and filled in a form, but haven't heard anything back.

CAF seems a likely candidate - so far I just put a note on a form I was sending back to them.

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If you are British, and I assume you are, you can I think do as you like. If you have joint Bank accounts, it of course makes sense to have them put in individual names. Same with Carte Vitale and all that sort of paper work. As for a property, you would need to see your Noataire about this as soon as possible. I also told the Tax Authorities that I should from now on be taxed on my own. Apart from that I just got on with life on my own ! ( never looked back ! )

Oh, and by the way, I was married under UK regime.

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yes I'm British.

The house is in my name only - well it is now, as after all I paid for it!

All the bills are also in my name.

I've opened a new bank account, and am in the process of transferring all the direct debits across.

As the carte vitale came about through URSSAF paperwork I was assuming that he'd be taken off it as I filled out a form there, but I haven't heard anythng yet.

The only place I can think of left to deal with is of course CAF...

Now all that remains is for him to actually leave... and as he starts work in Belgium on the 20th that's not much longer!
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  • 1 month later...

Hope you don't mind me tagging on to your thread[:D].  I separated from my husband recently.  He has now moved back to the UK which leaves me and the children here in France.  That's ok because we all want to stay here anyway.  For those who sadly have experience in this field I would love some advice.  He has closed his business here and that is obviously going to mean that healthcare etc stops?  Who do I need to speak to to sort that out?  I have been offered some work (legitimately) and although it will be through an English business I hope to be paid in such a way as to be able to get into the French system in my own name.  Not sure how long it will take to sort that one out.  Still a bit up in the air.  Also, would it be better to apply for a legal separation/divorce here in France or the UK?  Our house is in both names and I'm not sure about the legal implications of that here in France.  Happier now the deed is done however things are looking very complicated and I would really appreciate some help.[8-)]

Thanks everyone[:)]

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if you start with the link that Clair posted there are pages that cover your situation - or almost!

As far as getting on the system goes, I'm no expert as I registered as a travailleur independent through URSSAF, but I would think you would have to go the 'normal' route of CPAM, ASSEDIC then ANPE. Any one of those should be able to tell you what to do next.

Bon chance!
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