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I am very angry with them. How can they justify charging 80 pounds for a name change. was booking for my grandaughter of six, but put the wrong christian name down. We call her a different name than passport; I realised my mistake immediatley, but no 80 pounds please.

Also the price changed from 00;00 +taxes changed to 39.00 as I was doing it. So a ticket has cost me 175 pounds for an hours flight for one wee child; Terrible;

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An unfortunate and expensive error [+o(]

Not to defend what is clearly an outrageously excessive charge but, looking at it from the airlines side, (and not just Ryanair) if the change fee were nominal or even free then it could easily result in a black market in tickets developing. There would be nothing to stop somebody buying dozens of tickets on the popular routes whilst they were at rock bottom price to later sell on when the price is much higher just for the cost of the change plus a profit.

A tip: When booking most airlines ask for a christian name but even a simple misspelling can catch you out so instead just put an initial. I have been doing this for years, with RA and Easyjet amongst others, and it has never ever been queried either whilst booking or at check in [;-)]


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Red rag, bull!

Oh dear, I can almost hear the thunder of hooves as the enraged stampede toward their keyboards [:(]

Seriously though, before the sparks start to fly, this has been done to death so many times before here.  Ryanair seem to be rather like Marmite, you either love 'em or hate 'em. 

I'm somewhere in the middle, but I'm glad as hell that they exist, and that they fly to an airport near me. They may not always be the cheapest, but sometimes they are.  They may not almost be the most reliable, but often they are.  They may not fly everywhere, but they have (for me) the nearest and most convenient flights.  When I find something better to get me from here to there and back again I will use it, but at the moment I've no significant complaints.


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I had a recent visit form a number of family members and my BIL had inadvertently booked his wife  twice and missed my brothers wife from their joint booking (same christan names different surnames), they didn't notice until they came to check in and it was changed on the spot by the check in clerk for the return journey with no charge so you may have been better to just explain it was a mistake at check in, a risk of course as you are in the hands of the check in clerk, if they are human you might get a way with it as my family did.




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I don't disagree with you Cathy, but I changed from a regular Ryanair flyer to a non-flyer because of their chopping and changing of rules, fees, what they charge for and how much it can weigh, and then the endless bullshit that O'Leary comes out with every time he is interviewed.

Give me Transmanche any day!

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Earlier this year I spelt one of my own children's names wrong when I booked online with Lufthansa. I telephoned them and they changed it and Emailed a new ticket straight away with no charge. Perhaps different airlines have different policies?

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I suggest EVERYONE who wishes to fly with Ryanair spend an hour reading through their rules and regs where it clearly states all extra charges and regs for children and baggage etc. ALWAYS check your paperwork and read the smallprint because they have got you otherwise.The £80 charge is clearly marked and perhaps sometimes some kind soul will relent and waive you through but on the whole the staff there seem so miserable you wonder why they stay.The last flight I took last year all the cabin crew were east european and you could not clearly understand what they were saying. Check-in came out as chicken every time and we were in fits and they were scowling at us.
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Yes I am glad Ryanair exist for I wouldn't have my grandaughter visiting without it. Just could have spent the 80 pounds on her instead.

She won't be going back on the return flight, but we had to get one for her. Much cheaper that all the single tickets.

I shall inform them she will not be returning on her return ticket as I don't want her name constantly coming over the tannoy at the airport.

I assume that is alright, or do I have to pay more for that too. It is cheaper to book returns . Do I just tell them when I check in? otherwise plane will be delayed because not correct numbers on board. The hassle just to get a wee one over for a holiday;

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[quote user="St_Jacques"]

Earlier this year I spelt one of my own children's names wrong when I booked online with Lufthansa. I telephoned them and they changed it and Emailed a new ticket straight away with no charge. Perhaps different airlines have different policies?


This is the difference you expect when using a National Airline as apposed to the low cost brigade. 


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[quote user="mooky"]I shall inform them she will not be returning on her return ticket as I don't want her name constantly coming over the tannoy at the airport.

I assume that is alright, or do I have to pay more for that too. It is cheaper to book returns . Do I just tell them when I check in? otherwise plane will be delayed because not correct numbers on board. The hassle just to get a wee one over for a holiday;[/quote]

They would only call her if she checked in at the counter.

I wouldn't mention anything.

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As Clair says Mooky, no need to do anything at all.

If you do contact Ryanair it will cost you - even if only for the phone call - premium rate.  If she does not turn up (airlines are used to no-shows) all she does is loose her ticket.  Nothing more.  No tannoys (only based on passengers booked in), no mismatched numbers on the plane (same thing).   I have missed tens of flights in my life for various good and bad reasons and no comeback.

You can later try to claim back the taxes on the ticket, but with RA good luck.  All I have read says they make things difficult.

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Yes,it's easy. Just don't do anything. I have missed many Ryanair flights because I book any that are cheap enough or free. Have recently booked a fortnight away in Blighty during November that has cost just the price of using the credit card ,8 euros return. If at the time I decide not to go I'll just not turn up. If you're flexible with dates ,you can use the system to your advantage. Just keep a regular eye on the website.

W Rat

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Where the booking mistake is that of the customer, you can take the view of tough luck, as the rules are the rules!  However, what if the mistake is a glitch in in the airlines internet booking system, which according to the Air Transport Users Council is an increasing problem. The fact is that the airlines internet booking systems do not always work smoothly, but the risk of this is not recognised by the airlines, who have adopted a policy of customers who use the internet booking system do so at their own risk.

Regular examples include customers being debited twice for their bookings, but finding it impossible to recover the duplicate charges. Other reported problems include situations where you book for several members of the same family on a particular flight, but a glitch in the system means that the lead passenger name is allocated to each ticket. The airlines then insist it is the customers mistake and charge the passenger to amend the booking.

Making the customer pay for their own mistake is one thing, but charging the customer for correcting a mistake arising from a glitch in the airlines internet booking system is a rip off!

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[quote user="mooky"]

She won't be going back on the return flight, but we had to get one for her. Much cheaper that all the single tickets.


I assume that is alright, or do I have to pay more for that too. It is cheaper to book returns . [/quote]

Is that true with Ryanair ? Don't use them that much myself (family do though). I always thought they were a simple "point-to-point" service and that outward flight pricing was in no way linked to return flights.



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[quote user="Hagar"][quote user="mooky"]

She won't be going back on the return flight, but we had to get one for her. Much cheaper that all the single tickets.


I assume that is alright, or do I have to pay more for that too. It is cheaper to book returns . [/quote]

I always thought they were a simple "point-to-point" service and that outward flight pricing was in no way linked to return flights.




Normally that is the case, Hagar, but at the moment Ryanair are giving a 10€ duscount on return flights. As for the other issues about duplicate payments,  wrong names etc etc, is Ryanair any more prone to this than any other on line booking system? I think not. you are asked to comfirm details of your proposed journey before booking which are listed in front of you and told not to touch the payment button once pressed.  Apart from coming round and checking everybody's booking like a primary school tracher would do to see its been done right before allowing it to go through, what else can an airline operator do?.

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SWMBO works for a hotel. They sometimes get people turn up who then go off alarmingly that 'they did not book this that or the other' and blame the person they 'spoke to' when making the booking. A simple check invariably shows that they made the booking via the Internet and, when this is pointed out, go very quiet. Normally a case of wanting to change an aspect of a booking and thinking it will be easier if they blame an employee.

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[quote user="Ron Avery"]

Normally that is the case, Hagar, but at the moment Ryanair are giving a 10€ duscount on return flights. [/quote]

Thanks Ron - didn't know they did that sort of thing - learn something every day.

As an occassional user of Ryanair one of the things that does irritate me is the constant changes they keep making to fare stuctures, baggage allowances, check-in procedures etc etc. . Some of it is of course regulatory and Ryanair would say the rest is improving customer service.

My mother keeps telling me about friends of hers that get flights for a 1p or €10 return (implication being why can't I find flights like that for her). Short of looking in at Ryanair's site every single day I have no idea how they do that. Any hints ?






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One thing nobody seems to question is why it matters one iota to Ryanair, or any airline for that matter, who actually flies on a paid for ticket.

It was some years ago admittedly but whilst in the Middle East it was quite common practice for colleagues and friends to sell unwanted tickets to others and it was never questioned at the airport..

It can't really be a security issue as you still have to show your passport for international travel and incidentally, the insistance by RA and Easyjet for either a passport or photo driving licence for domestic journeys is simply their own policy, nothing else, and presumably designed to ensure that it is the purchaser of the ticket who is actually flying.


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I was going to stay out of this one (last time I slated Ryanair I was the butt of al kinds of Liverpool jokes) but fingers are twitching....

Water Rat - I don't understand how you got a flight with Ryanair for the cost of using your credit card. I have just been on the site to book a flight for 28 sept - 5 oct. Flight cost (and it also says on this page including taxes etc..) ZERO. Brilliant I think, so I continue to the nest page and confirm the flight. What do I see  -- Taxes/Fees 50.18 GBP (where did this come from, it says taxes etc are included in the price on the previous page??)  OK - go to the next page and I get - 1 checked bag 24 GBP,  priority boarding 8 GBP,  insurance 10 GBP....   I went no further.. (just an exercise to prove my point really [:D]) So, add to that debit or credit card fees and we are at near enough 100 GBP. Not bad for what started of as a big advert for free flights [8-)]

So Hagar - when your Mum complains - show her this.... I can't work out whether I am doing something wrong (No I don't want replies along the lines of "flying to Liverpool!!![:P])  or some people just lie about what they have paid.

After all that rant - Yes I will still use Ryainair xx

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I just got back from a trip flying Ryanair to Bergerac/ Liverpool and a very pleasant experience it was too. I might add as usual!

Before I went I booked online a return flight with them for my friend Limoges to Liverpool for next month, just as I was printing out the details ( after confirming the transaction) I noticed to my horror that I was the passenger and she was the contact, I phoned immediately and explained what I had done and they changed it and said that as I had only booked it within the last hour they would only charge me 10€, I thought that was pretty decent as it should have cost me £80.

So to the OP did you notice your mistake straight away or hours/days later?

Edit: Return flights £0.00 Taxes £14.98 x 2 = £29.98, Bags Nil, Online check-in Nil, no insurance, Card payment visa electron £0.00 TOTAL £29.98

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