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sworn translations


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Some time ago, I read a forum post about sworn translations no longer being necessary or compulsory, as per some EU legislation... something to do with English being an official EU language maybe...?

Can anyone point me to the relevant post or piece of information please?

Thanks a bunch [:)]

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Can't help with the post Clair, but I can tell you that CPAM down here aren't the slightest bit interested in EU legislation.

"Pukka (well, they didn't use that word, but you get my drift) translation of your Birth Certs is required, duly attested by somebody who can stamp them".

Sadly, arguing raises the blood pressure, which (indirectly) is why I was there in the first place.

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Thanks Sue.

I had already seen that one, but I seem to remember a post giving the details of an EU ruling and saying something along the liens of  "... if you're ever asked to provide sworn translations, you can refer to this EU..."

I'll keep looking... there are about 34 pages in the search for the word translation... [8-)]

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I don't see how an EU ruling - or anything else - can do away with the need for sworn translations.  I'm not a translator in any official or professional sense, but I do speak French, and an English friend who was having problems with his neighbour asked me to help him to file a complaint with the police.

Now if a policeman is taking a statement that will have legal significance, and the witness speaks no French, and the policeman understands no English, a translator is obviously needed.  It seems to me natural and desirable that the translator should be required to make a statement "under oath" or whatever procedure makes him legally responsible for what he's doing. 

On that occasion the police asked me to make a sworn statement, which (I suppose) means that what I provided was a "sworn translation" for the purpose of that particular case.  No matter what the EU may say, how could you do without that?  If you were the defendant, would you be happy for the police or the court to accept a version of the plaintiff's evidence given by one of his friends without any legal responsibility?

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I get your point allan.

However, I'm simply asking if someone knows of that post...

For information, a traducteur assermenté is appointed by the Cour d' Appel and he or she is an official translator (exams) before being appointed.

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