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Newly arrived


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I moved over to France a few months ago permanently, having owned my property for some years.  I haven't got around to telling anybody official that I'm here to stay (naughty!!). 

So, could anybody tell me what I need to do.  I guess I need to go to the Marie ... what paperwork will I need to fill in and what ID shall I take with me?  (Passport, utility bills, etc). 

Shall I say I've been here a few months, or will I get into 'trouble' for that ... will it be easier to say I've just moved?


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You should be fine.  The two critical things are your health cover and your taxes.

Early next year, you need to visit your local tax office and get your tax forms to fill in. (Whether you're taxed here or in the UK - you still need to do this).  These must be submitted in the Spring following the date of your arrival, so it seems as if you're still alright from what you say.  The precise date will appear on this forum, once the '08 date is known.

Health : You need to visit your local CPAM, and take along your E106 or E121, plus passport, bank details, utility bills (and pretty much the kitchen sink too, really!) and get into the French system.  Otherwise, if you become ill, you will get a nasty bill!!

It's good to nip into the Mairie and say hi, but it's more out of politeness than anything else.  Also, depending upon where you live, you may need a card to confirm that you are a resident and entitled to use the local rubbish tip.  Whether you need a "titre de sejour" is debatable, depending upon when you arrived and upon your circumstances, but in view of the recent changes to healthcare entitlements for UK nationals, it is probably a very good idea to have one.  Some prefectures seem reluctant, not to say stubborn, about issuing these, so you need to be pretty bullish about your right to get one!



which, although about somebody who's been here for 5 years, contains a lot of the info' you need.

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