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I believe ya .......[:P]


You should of been at Bristol airport on thursday night ... that was fun. after the close down of British airspace for a few hours , we were delayed by 4 hours by the time we got to bristol , lots of flights were cancelled and people were going mad ..... I saw one slightly drunk lady ... being carried away by a police man screaming ..... I want my luggage [8-)]

Im just glad we got home ...... .......... no Im not what im I saying [:-))] I wish I was still there with my frankie [:(]

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There is a lot of WWI munition and ordonance taken across the channel from my area  by tourists every year, one enterprising French guy in the next town is now serving time for selling this stuff on E-bay to UK collectors and sending it via Collisimo, when his terraced house in the middle of town was raided the deminage guys removed I believe 37kg of  (now very volatile) high explosive enough to take out the town centre according to the local papers.

A few people have been caught transporting the stuff on the tunnel due to tighter security and the electronic sniffers, I was told that they had to pay the evacuation, policing and bomb disposal costs.

I bet the woman was only caught because she was over her baggage limit[:)]

My favorite story comes from a young French friend who did her "stage" at Walkers Crisps in England, the metal detectors were set off on the conveyor, the line stopped and a large group were trying to decide what the foreign metallic potatoe sized object was, she calmly said "these potatoes come from La Somme and that is a WW1 hand grenade, I would recognise one anywhere"

You can guess the rest.............


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This is a true story but it didn't seem funny to me at the time.

We were going back to the UK from a househunting trip.  It was the height of the "scare", August 2 years ago and the scene was the airport in Bordeaux.

We'd just bought our house, no cooking facilities, etc.  We had a couple of eggs left at the end of our stay.  Now, having been brought up not long after the war and having had it instilled into me that one doesn't waste food, I put the eggs in our kettle to boil and took them with us to the airport.

When the hand luggage was going through the x-ray machine, the eggs must have shown up as potentially sinister.  We were asked to remove the "offending objects".

The OH, in one of his childish moments, then made as though to drop the eggs.  You should have seen the douaniers diving for cover!

Not funny at the time but maybe funny enough to bring a wry smile to the face in restrospect!

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