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carte de sejour


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My partner and i have had our house here for just over a year, our intention was for me to work in the UK and for us both to flit between the UK and France. We have no property in the UK, however in this time i suffered an industrial injury which resulted in me being unable to work. I have had an operation for this injury 6 weeks ago on the good old NHS, it now seems unlikely that i will be able to return to my former occupation as this involved heavy engineering. I am getting to the question, we both want to stay in France my partner has applied for work on the ferries. At the moment i am still receiving a salary from my employer and they are waiting to see the outcome of my recovery. When my employer stops paying me i have got to find work, that i know and have got all my irons in the fire to find work in France. My question is can i get a carte de sejour while i am still employed in the UK? How does this affect my partner who at the moment has no work? Will the people in Newcastle have all the answers and how does this affect me still receiving treatment in the UK?

 Sorry for the long winded story

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Here are the rules


You can apply for a titre de sejour as soon as you are resident here and are likely to remain so.  But once a resident then you must complete a French tax return, whether you pay tax here or in the UK.

However, once a resident, you will no longer have access to the NHS, and your ability to continue your treatment in France will be dependent upon your personal status.  You may be entitled to a worker's E106, and your wife to an E109 or even an E121, but I'm unclear on this although others will know.  Your best approach may be for your wife to apply for residency, but for you to wait until your employment status becomes clearer.

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

You can apply for a titre de sejour as soon as you are resident here and are likely to remain so.  But once a resident then you must complete a French tax return, whether you pay tax here or in the UK.


In other words (Val-2's) you must be tax resident in France......[;-)]

Note that Carpy refers to his 'partner' so she may not his wife.  That could introduce a certain complexity in that she may well have to be assessed in her own right in terms of qualifying resources, healthcare etc. No doubt a quick PACS could sort things out....


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